The Prophecy~Part I

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For four successive hours, we galloped in the darkened outer. The skies were dark as fluid coal, veiled by a shawl of glimmering stars. And where skies met with ground, trees and bushes grew.

According to Leon's words, we were on the foot of Mount Denor, a distant dene that hosted a village existing for five hundred years. And as wind strode in the air, lacing cold around us, I clutched my cloak tighter.

''Can't we camp here?'' asked May, weariness lining her eyes.

''Settling here will be a clear invitation to trouble. As long as we have a substitute, I will not take any risk.''

"What substitute?"

''It is a few minutes until we enter the town-let. Inns and motels never sleep here. We will make do with anything.''

With those words, conversations died. For the past moments, we all kept to ourselves. Everything that had happened today, from the exams to the betrayal, had left a toll upon our souls. And from the silent looks Mayra and I shared every few moments, I knew she thought the same thing I did.

I wasn't too sure how, or why, but something told me that my previous shadows were not a coincidence. That the spying darkness and stolen key were not a confection of kismet.

Soon enough, we entered Denor's limits. Streets were devoided from life, nothing but the meowing cats and singing croquets keeping the air alive. But as avenues seemed to die with darkness, houses and inns still radiated with firelight. Motels and taverns were still widely open, accommodating men and women who willed to connect day to night.

As we walked into the depth of the miniature town, Leon guided us into the oldest route. Stopping in front of a two-story building, we dismounted. In the chilly air, a rasping cry echoed. Lifting my eyes upward, I saw a metallic sign wiggling against two rusted chains. With crumbled, bold letters was written, Dragon's Den.

Tying our horses in the stables, we entered, followed by the chiming of a bell. People were scattered everywhere around us. A strong smell of ale and beer hit my nostrils like a thickening miasma, the bustling of voices as howling storms.

In one corner of the ground floor, players were gambling, drinking, and laughing. In the other, some were cackling for no reason, on the verge of pissing themselves.

Such a greeting sight.

In the middle of the space, a desk stood. As we waited for the shadow that talked with the receptionist, we all stood close. Mayra and I were weaponless at the moment, and too physically drained to fight. Weakness to the bawdy eyes of drunken men and thieves was not something to set ease.

But what made me curious all the time was a hooded silhouette sitting behind one table. Every stride Leon took, the stranger examined it. Watched it. And Leon knew every bit of it.

It was a couple of minutes more until Leon came, an old key in hand.

''I managed to get room sixteen. First floor, eighth door. Food and clothes are to be brought. For now, keep the academy's symbol hidden.''

And with nothing but holding our cloaks tighter, fabrics covering us from head to toe, we followed Leon. We had reached the first stair when a growling sound emerged from behind. Turning to look, we saw a ruckus at one table. At the stranger's table.

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