Chapter 1

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Niall Horan woke up the same way every morning.

Too early, too tired, bags underneath his eyes, and sighing.

This morning is no exception.

Niall lets out a heavy sigh as his alarmclock starts to play Lego House, waking him up in this early morning.

Dragging himself out of his too comfortable and warm bed, the young teen closes his eyes tightly, letting a lazy tear slip through his tired eyelids.

Sitting on the side of his bed, Niall slaps his hand around through the dark, achieving to stop the song that was playing after a while.

Niall yawns as he looks down at the intense red numbers on his alarm clock.

It's half past 5 in the morning, and Niall can already hear his little baby brother crying.

A silent mumble of "Shut up..." slips past his lips, as he lazily stumbles out of his room and heads towards the small baby blue room of his little brother, Jaden.

It's dark in the hallway, as Niall walks past the other three doors like a zombie, searching for the door with lots of Furby stickers on it.

Niall slowly opens the ugly and old door, making it squeak, and steps inside of the lightly dimmed room.

The young blonde teen squints his eyes at the little sunlight in the room, and then slowly shuffles further into the room.

The small wooden crib of Jaden is standing in the middle of the room, shaking by the todler's loud screams and sobs.

"Ssshh, calm down little bro, what's wrong?" Niall cooes as he scoops small Jaden up in his arms, slightly rocking him in a calming rythim.

Jaden just keeps on crying, kicking and slapping his little chubby arms and legs around.

Big fat tears are rolling down his round and slightly reddened cheeks, dripping down on Niall's bare arms.

"'ll wake everybody up baby." Niall chuckles.

Like Jaden actually understood him, he slowly stops crying, only little sniffles and hiccups being left behind.

Making wierd baby noises, Jaden lifts up his chubby little arms, trying to reach Niall's blonde and soft hair.

Niall wipes the snot off his little brothers upper lip, smearing it on his own shirt.

He doesn't care, he's done it a lot of times and by the way, this is only his pyjama shirt.

Little feet can suddenly be heard running into the room, and Niall looks down to see his little sister, Lizzy, standing at the end of Jason's crib.

"I'm already up." She exclaims happily, smiling widely, showing off her missing front teeth.

Smiling down at the little redhead, Niall brushes his fingers through Jaden's little baby hairs.

Jaden has a few thin brown hairs covering his head, and Niall loves playing his hands through it.

"Of course you are." He chuckles, using his knee to kick Lizzy in the bum softly.

"C'mon Lizzy Sissy, let's go to the kitchen and I'll make some pancakes for you."

At first the small girl glares at Niall for kicking her, but then her frown turns into a big smile.

"Really?!" She asks as her whole face lights up.

Niall can not stop the grin that slowly spreads on his face.

He loves making his siblings happy.

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