Chapter 17

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Niall sighs as he calmly lets the dirty plates sink into the water, watching it drown in soap.

He then mindlessly grabs the green plastic brush out of a cabinet, slamming it closed.

The loud noise of the small door echoes through the house, making it sound hollow and lonely.

The only other noise to be heard is the tv playing, showing Spongebob.

Niall is home alone, babysitting his little brother, Jaden.

His mom left early, knowing that Niall wouldn't go to school anyway, and leaving him to take care of the children.

The other kids are at school right now, so only Niall and Jaden are left in this old and empty house.

Humming a song, the blonde teen uncritically lets his hands sink away in the hot and soapy water, burning them, and colouring them bright red from the heat.

Niall doesn't care, he doesn't care about anything actually.

He doesn't feel like thinking, doesn't feel like feeling and doesn't feel like doing anything at all.

Finding a small spoon in the sink, Niall brushes his thumb over it, rubbing it clean.

He knows he has a brush to do the dishes, that's now floating around in the hot water, but he's too lazy to grab it.

"I'm sorry if I say I need you.." Niall mumbles, silently lifting the small teaspoon out of the water and laying it down next to the sink.

"But I don't care, I'm not scared of love.."

A small grimace appears on his lips as he grabs the brush this time, slowly moving it in small cirkles, making patterns in the soap.

Niall is scared of love.

Everybody is, right?

He's always been taught by his mother to not fall in love.

She couldn't be able to bare seeing the same thing happen to him as what happened to her.

Niall never understood that.

What thing?

What happened to her?

The only thing Niall understands about his mother, is that she's been through something that made her think horrible things about love.

Love is something weird.

It takes over your entire brain, it makes you do stupid and dumb things.

But love makes you think that those things aren't stupid at all.

That's the problem.

It takes away your logical intellect.

It makes you foolish and fatuous.

And that is what Niall is so afraid of.

That is why he never wanted to be in love.

But as his thoughts sink deeper into love, one thing pops up into Niall's mind.

Well, not really something you can call a thing.

It's more like a person, a someone.

And that one little thought, one little thing, or one little person, is what Niall has been afraid of his entire life.

The blonde teen had thought about love a lot of times, but never had a person popped into his mind.

Never had someone interrupted his thoughts inside of his own head, making it impossible for Niall to go back and think of something else.

But right now, that one small feared thing, is exactly what happened.

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