|Chapter Three|

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Hello Sweethearts,

This chapter goes to  GoldenAge137

Another Rubic chapter here for you.


     That night I slept at the Daniels' home and that became my abode until this moment. For the next five years after I moved in,  everything went fine,  though there were times Aunt Lucy and her husband exchanged words and got the whole house on high tension, yet it was never more than I could handle.

Then as the sixth year proceeded,  Aunt Lucy hit it big in her boutique business and she began to attend to celebrities and travel all over the country and even outside.

Soon, there was no week Aunt Lucy stayed at home fully. She was that busy!

Thank God, she taught me how to cook some basic meals before she hit it big, otherwise we would have been relying on Pizza all the time.

Uncle Ken was a man of few words and had been extremely nice to me since I moved into their home. Nick also used to be a real nice elder brother as he liked to call himself until that fateful day, Aunt Lucy had gone on one of her trips two days before and Nick was at soccer practice but Uncle Ken was home, working from his home office, the last time I checked before I heard the intercom come alive.

"Ruby, can you come clean my bedroom please? It is quite a mess."

"Sure, will be up there in a minute." I said as I placed the book I had been reading gently on my bedside table and I left.

I went up to the room and truth be told, it was quite a mess.

I began to fold the clothes and arrange them. Then I made to lay out the bedspread on the mattress but I felt movement behind me so I turned and there stood Uncle Ken with the widest grin I had ever seen him spot,

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked wondering why he was grinning and he said stepping forward,

"No baby, it's just that I want to be close to you, like..."

"No!" I protested, seeing what he is about then he moved closer, very quickly, causing me to fall on the bed,

I tried scrambling up but he was bigger and so he pinned me to the bed and began touching the primitive part of my body as his lips found mine in a sloppy nauseating kiss.

Suddenly his mouth left mine and began roaming all over my body as he tore my clothes in the haste of wanting a direct contact with my skin.

Tears burned at the back of my eyes as I pleaded with him to stop,

"Please Uncle Ken stop, I don't want this. Leave me alone."

"Come on, Ruby, I love you and I want you for myself, I've watched you turn into one fine girl and I need to take my piece before it's too late. It's not going to be painful, you will enjoy it."

"Uncle please, Aunt Lucy will punish me, please." I pleaded struggling against him.

I didn't know if it were my pleas or the fact that I mentioned my Aunt that got him aggravated because the next thing I knew was that, he pushed me further onto the bed and pulled down his shorts, becoming completely naked as he was devoid of a shirt in the first place and began to kiss me ruthlessly and before you could say Jack Robinson three times, I felt him inside me. A very sharp pain pierced my body and tears rolled down my cheeks with his hand covering my mouth, an indication that if I screamed, it would only come out as muffled sounds.

I lost my virginity to my Uncle at the age of sixteen.

As soon as he was finished with me,  he told me as i managed to put on my torn blouse, to pick up the bedspread, discard it and I should go downstairs to my room and clean myself up. I turned to leave and as I got to the door,  he called again,


"Sir." I answered, shaking like a leaf disturbed by a cold frantic wind.

"If you ever mention this to your Aunt, I will personally kill you with my bare hands." He said sneering.

At that moment I was as scared as a little child left in a dark room. He looked like a killer and I winced rushing out.

Hello Sweethearts,

Tell me what you think.

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