|Chapter Fifteen|

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     Later that day, at night, around 08:00 p.m. Julie and I were watching a movie on Pureflix in my apartment when she suddenly turned to me,

"Why did you leave the cafeteria that way earlier?"

"How did I leave?" I asked feigning innocence, leace it to Julie to dig up buried hatchets.

"You know what I am talking about, so do not pretend."

"Okay, I have actually met the guy before. He was the guy I bumped into last month that we were both rude to each other. The guy unnerves me, i had to leave."

"Oh-ho. Ruby darling." She said winking at me,

"What?" I asked, eyeing her suspiciously,

"Maybe Mister Right is finally here." She answered smiling,

"Well, he can expect the door to be slammed on his face." I said crudely,

"Why are you always so uptight when guys come to the equation?"

"Look, I have had a rough run-in with guys and I do not want a re-occurence. I like the way my life is going. All guys are just the same, I am not ready to trust someone only to be backstabbed in every way it can be painful."

"That's all right, I understand you but I want you to know guys are not the same. The males are different just like we are.

"They might sometimes behave the same way but not everytime. We are all different, that's what makes us unique as human."

"It's easy for you to say. You've not been in my shoes so you can't know what I am trying to say. Can we close this chapter already?"

"Yeah, yeah, you don't have to go all bonkers on me. Let's get back to our movie." Julie said and I bobbed my head in agreement.

Two weeks after, I went with Julie and her boyfriend to their church. They were having a Singles Conference. The programme started 12:00pm. An hour later, I needed to use the restroom, so I stood up to meet an usher at the back to ask for directions to their restroom. He showed me to a building by the left. And I followed his directions, the Church is so posh and beautiful. A small building housed their toilets and there was the male and female sections. I did my business and washed my hands at the faucet then I made to return to the Church.

As I made my way to the Church, someone bumped into me or I bumped into someone, can't really tell, I really need to stop bumping arpund like a ball, I told myself as I looked up to apologize. Jeez! Not again! I mentally hit my head against a wall. Ethan!

"Now I know how we met before."

"Congratulations." I chimed and made to leave but his hand stopped me and I could have sworn that something buzzed through me. This is meant to be in fairytales and romance novels and not at a Church in L.A.

"Why are you always running away from me?"

"'Cause I don't want to have anything to do with you."

"Hmm, I have not said I want a one-night stand or something else."

"How cocky!" I spat at him and made to leave but his grip was iron-clad

"Come on, I could be nice."

"I don't take deadly risks." I said as the day I left Nashville came to mind. Okay, maybe I did take one.

"Look, just let me be, okay?"

"Let's be friends."

"Why would I want to be friends with you?"

"Because I am hot, funny, handsome, smart..."

"You are so full of yourself."

"Come on, don't be such a baby and accept my hand of friendship."

"Okay, just don't disturb me. Bye." I told him and made to leave as he released me,

"Bye silly." He chimed and I turned and raised my middle finger at him and smirked, he opened his mouth in surprise as I entered the Church.

It's been six months since I started work at Liam Technologies, Big Sis just called me last night pleading with me to come to Nashville to help with a party. I didn't know what to say, I could only say 'okay'. Nashville is another word for 'forbidden' in my dictionary.

Not long after Chloe called me saying Big Sis just called to inform her of the party so she will be coming over to my place from New York so we can leave together. That kinda calmed my nerves but I was still scared stiff and it deprived me of sleep causing a lot of 'What ifs' to swirl round my head.

I stood up from my bed and started packing a small travel bag before preparing for work. Julie had taken a leave of absence to go see her parents so I was basically left alone.

I anticipated Chloe's arrival and nervously and tried to concentrate at work. Soon, I could leave and I hurried to the airport to pick Chloe then we flagged down a taxi and hopped in. Honestly I feel better seeing Chloe. The day went away quickly and the next day which was a Friday, I reported at work but left early so we could leave for Nashville.

We got there and soon we were on our way to Big Sis' house, it was my first time here, thank God Chloe is with me. I was so grateful that Big Sis is not staying at my town precisely which is Pleasant view so I tried to act as calm as possible.

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