|Chapter Thirty Nine|

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     Three months after Ethan proposed to me, he came around to drive us to his parents' house at Queens.

As he got to my place, I was panicking and indecisive about how to dress or what to do and so he took matters into his hands by going into my bedroom and selecting a blue wrap dress that has a sideways sash with black Louboutin heeled sandals and he actually carried and dumped me into the bathroom before going off to find some snack.

I had no choice but to take my bath and get dressed. I brushed my hair and decided to go with the ponytail look. Then I stepped out, Ethan ran his impressed look over me before taking his car keys from the table and offering me the exit closing the door behind him.

Soon we were on our way to Queens, after a not so long ride, we ended up at Kings Avenue and he drove us into a magnificent looking house with well pruned flowers and massive compound housing the magnificent house itself and the shiny cars. This is a royal mansion! I didn't know when I exclaimed,


"I know right." Ethan said smiling and he parked car, killed the engine and opened the door for me. As I got down, he put a hand to my waist leisurely and he said,

"Baby, you will be fine and no matter what has happened, just know I am the one marrying you not my parents. Now give me a smile." I did and he kissed my cheek before taking my hands in his, we walked to the door together and he pressed the doorbell a couple of times before an old lady appeared.


"Edith." Ethan said and pulled the little lady into a hug. After releasing each other, Edith asked,

"And who is this beautiful being beside you?"

"This is Ruby Collins, my fiancée and Ruby, this is Edith, our Housekeeper, my second mother."

Edith laughed as she hugged Ruby. " I am happy to meet you my dear."

"The pleasure is mine ma'am."

"Come in, come in, let me summon the parents." Edith said as she stepped back into the house and led us to the richly furnished sitting room. Then she left taking the stairs by the right.

I was still trying to come to terms with what I was doing in this wealth spelling house when a female voice interrupted my thoughts,

"Ethan, is that you?" I looked up to see a beautifully shaped woman looking down from the top of the stairs,

"Yes Mum, it's me." Ethan replied and with that, she started climbing down.

"It's so nice of you to finally show your face here." She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Mum, you of all people know how time consuming my work is but I missed your beautiful face."

"Hmm, I missed you too." She replied as she hugged him and then after some seconds they pulled apart.

"Where is Dad?"

"He should be down soon."

"Okay, I came to see you both."

"Anything wrong?"

"Not at all. It is about her." Ethan said looking at me and just like that, the attention was on me. I felt so uncomfortable with Ethan's Mum stare that I huffed a relief sigh when a male voice penetrated the air.

"Ethan, my boy."

"Yes Dad. You are looking great."

"That's my handiwork." His mother commented,

"I bet it is." Ethan said,

"And who is this beautiful damsel?" Ethan' s Dad asked as he led them to sit and once again, all attention was on Ruby. 

"Dad, Mum, this is Ruby Collins. My fiancée. We are getting married soon and we would like to have your blessings."

"I see, can we meet you young lady?"

"Yes sir, my name is Ruby Collins. I work as a Human Resource Consultant at Mills and Boon. I am from a family of four children. I am a Christian."

" I see, so why my son? Is it because of the money?"

"Mum!" Ethan exclaimed,

"If it was because of the money do you think I will tell you ma'am?" I butted in,

"Ruby!" Ethan exclaimed,

"Hmm, my dear don't mind her, she was just pulling your legs. I am glad to have you here. Welcome to the family." Ethan's Dad said hurriedly sensing the tensed atmosphere.

"Thank you sir."

"So, what do your parents do?"

"They are Pastors. My Dad is retired but still does some business here and and there. Anything that needs his expertise and my Mum has a confectionery store."

"Can we know them by name?"

"Yes sir. Pastor and Pastor Mrs Jason and Michelle Butler. They are stationed in Albany."

"I am not getting something here, Ethan introduced you as Collins and now you say your parents are Butlers. Any clarification?" Ethan's Mum asked,

"My real parents were involved in car accident and I had to go live with my uncle and aunt. The Daniels'. I was being maltreated there and it landed me to the hospital where I met the Butlers. They had rescued me from where I collapsed and they adopted me as one of their kids after I got better. I was the one that refused to change my last name so I can have one thing that connects me to my real parents."

"Hmmm, that's quite interesting. Thank God that he sent help your way when you needed it. Once again, welcome to the family. I hope I get to see more of your beautiful face here."

"Thank you sir." I smiled shyly.

"I have to go now, I need to catch up on a conference call. Ethan, call me okay? And give my number to Ruby if she needs anything at all."

"Okay Dad." Ethan said as his father made his exit and that was when I remembered that his mother was still seated with us.

"Ethan, let me see you for a moment, will you?"

"Okay Mum." He replied and they took another exit. I waited patiently while looking around. I hope Ethan would be back soon so we can leave because I was pressed already and would like to relieve myself. Instead of Ethan, Edith came around and she asked,

"Hope you are enjoying yourself with us?"

"Yes ma'am but can I pee? I am really need to take a leak."

"Of course, take this right corridor, the second room by the left."

"Thank you." I appreciated and made my way through the directions she gave me. I found it easily and was about to twist the doorknob when I heard Ethan's Mum,

"Are you sure you really want to marry this girl? Her parents are just clerics, what am I saying, she doesn't even have real parents anymore. Her guardians are not up to our standard. You could marry the Senator's..."

"Mum, I think that's enough. I am the one marrying here. You chose your choice years ago, I think I have the right to choose whoever I want. It doesn't matter if she is an orphan or she is from the poorest family of all and she is not. I love her Mum, I am incomplete without this girl. I..." Ethan defended. I removed my hand from the doorknob and walked as gently and quickly to my seat as I could, my bladder forgotten.

Some five minutes later, Ethan surfaced,

"Baby, I am so sorry I kept you waiting. Can we leave now?"

"Okay, what about your Mum?"

"Oh, she went upstairs, she sends her greetings." Ethan answered sarcasm dripping from his words,

"All right." I said and we left.

RUBY |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now