|Chapter Thirty One|

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     I have been having the time of my life since agreeing to let Ethan take me out on dates. All his planned and surprise outings have really wowed me and if I ain't the kind of girl I am, I would be all over him like his cologne. We have been to different restaurants and places, Brooklyn heights, King and Grove Williams burg, The River Cafe, Peter Liverpool Steakhouse and i even had the taste of the famous Kings restaurant, the closest one was located at Queens. .

We also went skiing, paint balling, a boat ride on his gigantic boat Rhema, and we dined on his helipad above his house in Manhattan. God! The guy is a romantic at heart and he has spent the whole of last month showing me that. Then he asked me to come see his office at Swift Gas in Manhattan where the reports from the other companies, Royal Hotels and Suites and Kings Restaurants come in.

I went and I can remember that the receptionist told me to take the elevator to the last floor which housed his office, the elevator door is just opposite a row of waiting chairs, the secretary's desk was by the left and opposite her stood three doors which probably led to Ethan's and two other people's offices.

I walked towards the secretary who was typing effortlessly on her computer.

"Good afternoon, I will like to see Mister Ethan King."

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked me throwing me off balance,

"Umm... No." I said shifting my weight,

"Okay, wait over there." She said and I went over to sit down thinking she was going to get back to me in five minutes but I was wrong.

To kill boredom, I decided to bring out my phone, a message was waiting for me.

Where are you? -E

I texted him back,

I am at your office -R

His reply was instantaneous.

My office? Come on in then. -E

Your secretary told me to wait -R

What?! -E

I was about expantiating my text when the door in the middle swung open,

"Heather, why did you keep my visitor waiting?"

"I... I didn't know..."

"How long have you been waiting?"

"Umm... Like twenty five minutes now."

"Did I not inform you that I will be having a guest today and that you should send her in immediately she gets here?"

"Y... Yes sir but I didn't know that it was her, I thought... "

"I can see how much thinking you've been doing and I hope it gets you another job."

"Babe, let's go in." I stood up to follow him as he held the door open for me, I was at the entrance when he turned and said,

"I mean what I said Heather, I don't want to see you when I get back out. Collect your things and leave."

"Ethan!" I gasped, turning on my heel to face his back and he turned and asked,

"Will you go in or do I carry you in there?" he asked and I entered, I could hear the lady's pleas bring drowned by the slamming of the door. I so do not like this side of Ethan.

I spent my first minutes in Ethan's office pacifying him, he felt the lady was just being insolent and rude and he would not have that. If she had been so i unsure, she could have just called him but no she made her wait. He finally conceded and buzzed the intercom, 'Heather, if you still value your job, you had better get me that Paris file ready in the next thirty minutes.' He cut her voice off as she kept saying, 'Thank you sir, thank you so much sir.'

Twenty minutes after we emerged from his office, as we were about to enter the elevator so he could show me around, the secretary mouthed,' Thank you.' I smiled and the door closed. He showed me around, the work house, the offices and all.

I wondered how he managed three business line, no wonder he is a workaholic. What really unnerved was my visit there, the lady did not expect me to be associated with Ethan even with my moderate looks. Maybe she expected a size four model with caked face and a big ass or something. Also, I got to confirm that Ethan is way out of my league. He is not just rich, he is wealthy. What do I have to compete with that?

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