|Chapter Twelve|

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     I woke up at 07:00 a.m, oh shit! I muttered as I realized the time. I went down on my knees and made a short prayer while I browsed my devotional. I was so accustomed to doing this that anywhere I go, my first fifteen minutes was dedicated to this in the morning. The Butlers would be proud and I believe each day has its own words as well as challenges.

I stood up and went to take my shower after brushing my teeth. As I dried myself clean, I browsed through my closet and settled for a teal long sleeve blouse and a black pencil skirt with green pumps. I packed my honey-colored hair in a tight ponytail that curved at the tail by my shoulder and rushed out to the kitchen.

07:38! Ohmygod! I am going to be late for work on my first day, I thought as I quickly make a couple of peanut butter sandwich which I popped into my mouth outrightly.

I went back to the room, carried my black Louis Vuitton Bag that I already packed last night and I dashed out of the apartment. I hurried downstairs and as if the Lord couldn't have me panicking and rushing on my first day because as i stepped out, a cab just pulled up by the walkway, the passenger got out and I got in.

"Where to ma'am?"

"Liam Technologies." I said as the man stepped on it and soon we were at the familiar looking building. He told me the fare and I gave him then got out.

I walked as professional as I could and I found my way to the receptionist counter,

"Good morning, how can i help you?" She asked as she looked up from the file she was going through,

"Good morning, my name is Ruby Collins and I am the new Training and Development Manager.

"Oh yes! Miss Collins. Mr Liam said you should see him at his office immediately you arrive. He is on the eleventh floor. The elevator is by the left there. You are welcome to Liam Technologies."

"Thank you Miss..."

"Mrs Martha Coarkley."

"Okay. I better move my butt up there before i get fired before i start work." I said and she laughed nodding for me to go on.

Okay, I like her. Now on to Mr Liam.

I entered the elevator and pressed the eleventh floor. I heard the ding of the elevator and I stepped out. A man dressed in all black suit was standing guard.

"Yes, what do you want?" He asked in a gruff voice as his gaze swept through me.

"I need to see Mr Liam. I am expected to see him. Miss Collins." I said squaring my shoulder, nobody is permitted to look down on me on my first day of work.

"Wait here, I will check with his secretary." He said giving me a once-over as he went ahead, he tapped on a glass door and entered almost immediately. Two minutes after he came out and said,

"You can go in ma'am. Miss Amelia, his secretary will lead you to his office."

"Thank you. I said noticing his addition of 'ma'am'. He probably knows my position now, I thought as I moved towards the glass door.
I entered and encountered a brunette. She didn't look young unlike the receptionist. She stood up immediately and said,

"Good morning miss, I am Mrs Nancy Stewart. Mr Liam's secretary and he would like to see you now. That's his door." She said pointing to the door adjacent her.

"Thank you ma'am." I said as I walked towards the door and knocked. Is everybody in this firm all married and nice? I mused to myself as I heard a firm 'come in'. I bent the door knob and made my way into the office.

My gaze swept quickly round the office. The man must be neat and organized and the office was painted white with art works hanging ramdomly on the wall. I looked at my employer and was not surprised to see he looked quite older than the few employees I have encountered. He looked like a man in his fifties/sixties. He had white hair already and was using glasses but as he stood up, he showed off the strength of a youth and he extended his hands as for a handshake which I received as he said,

"Good morning Miss Collins. I am Mr Liam and I am pleased to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine sir."

"Please have your seat and let's talk about your work." He said and I sat down placing my bag on my lap as we talked.

From Mr Liam's office, I found my way to the board room where I met with the staff and then Rob, the Vice president showed me around, his name is actually Robert Downey but he insisted I call him Rob, a man who looked to be in his forties and married because I could see the ring on his finger.

Then he showed me to my office and an adjoining hall for me to train people. Wow! Was all I could say. The office looked quite comfortable and as I revered in the joy of sitting by my desk, a knock came and I immediately stood up and said,

"Yeah, come in."

The person did and it was a familiar looking red haired lady.

"Ruby Collins?"

"One and only?" I answered but it came out as a question.

"I knew it. Ohmygosh! I can't imagine that you forgot me." The lady said goshing with excitement, okay, remind to call Chloe and tell her I found her a twin. Who is this woman?

"Juliet Beckham? I was at Columbia University. The nerd in black rimmed glasses always disturbing her professors with questions? We studied for finals together and grew not so close because you were always coming up with one excuse or the other?"

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed as it finally clicked in my brain.

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