|Chapter Fourteen|

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It's been three months since I started work at Liam Technologies and all has been going well. Mum and Dad call me from time to time just as my elder siblings and Chloe do.

The day could not have been more tiring on this very Tuesday. I had to finish up a training at the office so I told Julie to go ahead to the cafeteria. I had just finished with the documents and I was heading to the cafeteria when I bumped into a wall.

I looked up from my phone only to see it was a wall of muscular chest. I took a step backwards and tripped. I felt myself falling. I closed my eyes to anticipate the pain but instead something buzzed through me as a hand held me from falling. I look up as I righted myself only to be drawn in to the depths of a pair of blue eyes. I swallowed as I looked down, the guy made me nervous. Why? I had no idea.

"You shouldn't be using your phone while walking. You could have slammed into a pole and you were so clumsy."

Who the heck does this guy think he is? I would not allow myself to be ordered around. No!

"And who do you think you are? You do not have any right to order me, mister?" I said seething with anger and I stepped aside to leave as he murmured not so gently before stalking off in the direction I was coming from.

"'Thank you' was the least you could have said."
I left, still peeved that he had talked to me in that manner.

* * * * * * * * * * *


     It's been four months since Ruby came to work at Liam Technologies and I have come to know her as a nice girl and a good friend. She knows what to say when I am down and though we have had a couple of misunderstandings, I would not trade her for the world.

As usual, we are at Dana Cafeteria, eating a lunch combo of hamburger and fries with orange juice. I was eating and also replying some of my chat messages when Ruby asked,

 I was eating and also replying some of my chat messages when Ruby asked,

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"Did you reply that man like that yesterday?"

"Of course. He thinks I am one of those girls who will do anything because I am in Los Angeles, the city of Hollywood." I replied,

"Oh God! Julie, you alone will be the death of me. You shouldn't have threatened to call his wife on him, you are so crazy." Ruby said laughing,

"Yeah girl, but you love me with my craziness. I wished you were there. He was so embarrassed." I said laughing with her and I continued,

"If I tell Bruce about it, he's gonna..."

"Hello Ladies." A stranger interrupted.

* * * * * * * * * * *


Finally, I was free to take a lunch break. I found my way to Dana Cafeteria. I ordered my food and waited to receive it and pay as my eyes roamed round the Cafeteria. Someone familiar caught my eyes as it rested on her.

Juliet Beckham! The girl is always a bubble of sunshine. No dull moments around her. I decided to go sit with her and her brunette partner. I collected my trayful of food and paid my bill then I made my way to their table. As I got to them, they were laughing so I cleared my throat and said in my charming voice that I knew for sure made ladies swoon,

"Hello Ladies."

(And Ed Westwick plays our Ethan King.)

"Ethan!" Juliet exclaimed in surprise as she stood up to hug me.I hugged her back then place my tray on their table.

"Can I sit?" I asked glancing at the other lady whose head was downwards.

"Yeah, sure." Juliet replied and I did then she said,

"I didn't know you frequent this place too."

"Are you trying to tease me now?" I asked raising an eyebrow,

"No, not at all, it's just that you are like one of 'em first class citizens around."

"Juliet! You are so not serious, always teasing. How's your man? Bruce right?"

"Yeah, he is doing very fine. And how is your girl?"

"Girl? I haven't found my dream girl yet plus no girl, no stress, free life."

"Ethan! You haven't changed still. So, no girl since the last time we talked. You are just an heartbreaker."

"It just makes things easier, you don't wanna introduce me to your friend here?" I asked as the lady looked up at me finally and I could have sworn I had seen her before.

* * * * * * * * * * *


Sweet Jesus! It's the guy I bumped into last month, I so do not need this right now! How come I am able to even recognize him? I averted my gaze as Julie said smiling,

"Oh, forgive my manners, this is my friend, Ruby Collins and girlfriend, this is my friend too, we met at an event sometime back, his name is Ethan King."

"Have we met before?" The guy, Ethan asked. I was silent. God, what is it with this guy? He always manage to unsettle me.

"Ruby darling, have you guys met before?"

"No, no, we've not met before." I said hurriedly,

"If you say so. It's nice meeting you though."

"The pleasure is all mine." I said and I looked at my wristwatch and lied,

"Oh! Sorry, I have to leave, i am late, please excuse me." I drank my juice, picked up my purse and made my exit as smoothly as I could, not looking at Julie.

Hello Sweethearts,

What do you think is happening?
Sorry, I didn't get a better picture of Ethan.
I so want to read your comments please send them in.
Thanks for reading and voting and sharing.

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