|Chapter Thirty Six|

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     Pans and pots were clinking at the Butler's home the next day as Chloe, Mum and I started an early dinner. The first thing Mum did when she saw me yesterday was to scream. Her eyes must have caught the rock that is still sitting comfortably on my finger. Dad had rushed down from his room and I had no choice but to tell them about my day and how Ethan had proposed to me. They were happy for me and I love them for that. These people that God had used and is still using to give my life a turnaround.

Later yester night, in bed, I had opened my instagram account and seen an update from Ethan. It has a video of him proposing to me. 4000 plus views and likes. So fast? I was not really surprised, he might not be an entertainment celebrity but he is one of the top goons in the business world. The caption caught my attention the most, 'Shall we meet the Queen of the King?'

As much as we went out on dates and attended few events together, we have managed to keep our names from the media and our relationship a speculating news due to Ethan's 'generosity'. I wanted that and Ethan respected my decision. For a moment last night, my heart raced and thumped wildly against my chest. What if Nichols or any of the Daniels' recognizes me? Immediately, I rebuked the thought and closed my mind off it. I deserve to be happy without doubts or fear lurking around.

I had called Ethan earlier today to tell him to come around 06:00pm. This is already 05:15, most of the food is ready, just a few things. Mum told me to go up and change into something more 'wifely'. Mum? She can be so annoying sometimes but in the adorable way.

I threw open my luggage. I didn't really pack lots of formal dresses when I was leaving, just jeans, t-shirt and casual gowns. As I rummage through my clothes, a red number caught my eyes. I got my dress. I packed up and took a quick shower and changed. By the time I was applying mascara and fixing my hair, the doorbell rang.

I know Dad and Mum will be impressed but still, I felt nervous. I finish fixing my hair, put a little perfume on and off I go. As I got midway to the staircase, I saw Chloe receiving flowers and a bottle of wine Ethan brought. She went into the kitchen and I figuratively flew into my man's arm. Hmm, he smells good. I pulled back and he touches his lip with mine.

"Hey." I said smiling,

"Hey yourself." He replied and I asked,

"Are you ready to meet the folks?"

"As ready as I will ever be." He replied and Mum and Dad chose that moment to come down. We kept standing till they got downstairs and Ethan prostrated,

"Good evening Sir, Ma."

"Good evening my dear." Mum answered taking her seat,

"Please sit down." Dad said as he took his seat beside Mum. They matched with colors. Ethan sat on a single sofa, I sat on another and Chloe came in and sst on the arm of my seat.

"So, what is happening here? My daughter said you want to see us."

"Yes sir. (He sits forward). My name is Ethan King, I am the son of Mr Jesse King and Mrs Caroline King of Royal Hotel and Suites. I am a business entrepreneur and I own Kings Restaurant and Swift Gases. I met your daughter at Los Angeles and I fell in love with her. We didn't date until a year after when we met again at a business talk programme and we have been together ever since.

"Then she told me she was coming home for a few weeks so I decided to come and meet you to ask for your permission, Sir, Ma, because I want to marry your daughter."

"Hmm, that's good. It shows you know what you are doing. Some of our young rich men nowadays have no direction, only time to waste. Where are you based?" Dad asked,

"Manhattan, New York Sir."

"Are you a Christian, in sense and word?"

"Mum!" I interjected,

"Let him answer the question my friend!" Dad glared at me and I clamped my mouth shut.

"Yes ma. I am a Christian. I attend Christocentric Center. Pastor William Smith is my Pastor. I can give you his number for confirmation."

"Don't worry about that, Pastor Wills is a friend of mine. So, what is it about our daughter?" Dad asked and Ethan looked at me smiling,

"Honestly Sir, I don't know but what I do know is that I am ready to live with her for as long as the Lord permits. I love her and nobody else can take her place in my heart. I have prayed about it and even the Lord has given me the go-ahead to be with her. I love her so much."

"I see, are you the only child of your Mother?"

"Yes Ma, both my Dad and Mum."

"Okay. Well, this is my family, I have an elder daughter who is married and lives at Nashville. A Son who is at Hempstead. These are my children too, Chloe and Ruby and my wife. No matter how we feel, marriage is only about three people, they are the ones entitled to make any decisions and these people are God, the Man and the Woman. Since you have made your intentions known, I will simply ask the woman in question, Ruby, do you want to marry this man?"

"Yes Daddy. I want to marry him."

"Dearie, are you sure? You know Marriage is no child's play. It is an institution where real matters are addressed and it takes more than love to enjoy it."

"Mum, I know, I understand your concern for me. Dad, I also appreciate you but I have thought about it. I've been thinking about it right from the day I consented to being his girl. Mum, you should know I would not bother investing my time in something I know will not last long. I have prayed, I have fasted, I have meditated about this, about us and I want to take this step with Ethan. All we need is your support and prayers."

"Ohmygosh!" Chloe fanned herself wit her hands, eyes glistening with unshed tears. Mum was already using her handkerchief, Dad said holding her hands,

"In that case, you have our full support and count on it, we will be praying for you both though we have been doing that but we will be more conscious of it. Let's pray."

I and Ethan knelt down and Dad prayed for us while Mum and Chloe echoed our 'Amen'.

After the prayer, we all migrated to the dining room to eat. Forks, knives and spoons clinked as everybody served themselves and it was a gist galore. Mum and Dad decided to entertain Ethan with embarrassing stories of my teenage life and the silly guy is enjoying himself totally.

All in all, the Butlers accepted Ethan and so Mum is excited to have another Son. He left after dinner but of course he and everyone exchanged phone numbers. Wow! I am sure my parents are smiling down at me.

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