|Chapter Thirty Three|

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     It was 06:30 by my watch when I drafted my feet from my bedroom to the gym in my building at Manhattan, I was on the tenth press up when Devin showed up from nowhere,

"You are up early." He commented sarcastically, our meeting time is 06:00,

"And you are up late." I said flatly,

"How did it go yesterday?"

"Fine, all is settled."

"So, you guys are officially dating?"

"Something like that."

"And what about the media?"

"What about them? Are they saying anything? I have been discreet enough with my outings with her."

"I just think you should release a press statement about your relationship so they won't start hounding you. You know how they get."

"Yeah, let me know when exactly I should do that." I said and soon we were training together.

The morning has been going smoothly, I went to the office, ordered pizza and coffee and started the day's work. Around 11:09, Devin burst into my office looking all peeved,

"Sometimes, this Ella Abercrombie can be such a moron." He said as he took a seat,

"Why? What happened?" I asked, setting down the file I was working on,

"You have not seen it?"

"Seen what?" I asked, and Devin went out of my office immediately, less than a two minutes after, he came back in with a paper in his hands,

"Check this out!" He said, sliding the paper on my desk, it was today's newspaper, I and Ruby made the front page. The entertainment section held the story, the pictures were taken yesterday and of course Ella Abercrombie had taken her time to write about me, my business, my non association with ladies and this in her words, 'sudden coziness with this brunette'. Also she had searched for a picture of I and Ruby on one of our early dates, her head turned but mine directly at the camera and I had no idea when it was taken. Ella ended the article by promising her fan that she was going to reveal Ethan King's mystery girl.

"I swear I am gonna sue her."

"Hey, she was just doing her job and you are always forgetting that you are an important personality to the media world."

"So, I should let this slide?"

"I have a better comeback. Why don't you reveal your mystery girl before she does?"


"Get together with Ruby, take pictures and post it on Instagram and then give it a gooood caption and wait."

"Oh my god! She is going to be soooooooo mad."

"Tell me about it."

"Thanks man, let me call Ruby." I said picking up my phone and he excused himself.

"Hello Sunshine."

"I was just about to call you."

"Missing me already?"

"Chloe called to say she saw me on the newspaper."

"Yeah, I just saw it too Don't worry, you look beautiful in it."

"Ethan, be serious please, the press will be on my heels now."

"Don't worry I will take care of it."


"Yes dear. Do you want to get together tonight?"


"Okay, we will be indoor, I will cook you dinner at my place."

"You know I don't know your address."

"All right, I will have Devin pick you up."


"He will be there by 06:00pm."

"Okay, see you then."

"Yeah, I love you."

"Love you too." She said I hanged up. Imagine those days at Los Angeles when all I wanted is for her to say these words to me but I didn't get it.
In one sentence, I am grateful I waited patiently and I was persistent.

I left the office around 05:30pm, I already told Devin to go and get Ruby so I drove myself home.
I planned to prepare and so I showered, changed into something comfortable and I went to my spacious kitchen.

Around 07:00pm, Ruby and Devin stepped in, they walked into the kitchen and I dropped the spatula in my hand and went to hug Ruby, Devin coughed discreetly and we pulled apart, our arms in each other's waist.

"I think my job is done here."

"Thank goodness you know." I said with a smile on my lips,

"Ethan! Thanks for driving me down here." Ruby said,

"You are welcome anytime. Enjoy yourselves." Devin replied,

"Thank you." I said and Devin left.

I went back to cooking and soon I was through, because we were both hungry, we skipped the showing around part and settled for dinner.
After eating, I showed her around, she was shocked to know I own the building. Floor 57-60 were exclusively mine but the remaining floors housed workers in my three companies who had their offices around and in Manhattan.

Then we played games in my sitting room, then I requested to take pictures, this was the one I chose for the Instagram post.

(Don't mind the background)

I captioned it, 'Selfie with my favourite person

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I captioned it, 'Selfie with my favourite person. How come I don't have dimples too? I love you with your dimples, Ruby Collins.'

I had just posted it when the likes began to pop in. Ruby who had been checking out the books in my shelf suddenly walked up to me and snatched my phone,

"Oh my god! What did you just do?"

"I posted a picture of us online."

"I know that stupid, why did you do it? And you gave them my name."

"Just trust me okay, remember the lady was going to reveal you, I decided to just release a statement so it would be from the horse's mouth, that way she would not write what she does not know about you."

"Are you sure it's a good move?"

"It is. And if she or anybody tries to put some rubbish together, I would personally have a talk with them."

"All right." She said and we talked some more before I drove her home.

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