explaining stuff

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hiya little people im bored so im updating again....... Sorry i didnt update yesterday but please vote and comment and SHARE WITH FRIENDS. you do have friends don't you? you should do cause your awesome!!! :0) and it's a little short sorry, I'm a bad person.


Catlin's POV--

After Emma ran off down the hallway Niall told jack to back off Emma. He said that he can't do that but left anyway with his friends trailing behind him. It's now been three hours since Emma left and all we have done is sit down in silence. I keep picking up my phone to see if she has tried to contact me. but she hasn't, not even one single phone call. I put my head in my hands and breathed out slowly.

"Catlin everything's going to be okay, she'll come back." a Irish voice said. I looked up and saw Niall smiling at me. I tried to smile back but couldn't. My best friend had just ran off and it's all my fault. I didn't even run after her.

" no she won't." I said as I Looked down at the ground. I felt a hand on my back which was trying to comfort me. It rubbed circles around and around.

"everything is going to be alright at least she didn't leave with that jack dude." I looked up once again to see Louis by my side still rubbing my back.

"yer I guess your right Louis."

"I'm always right,"He says raising his hand in the air. everyone burst out laughing at louis's comment. I just awkwardly laughed trying to act okay. The thing is I'm not very good at acting.

"Catlin stop acting like your ok because I can tell your not." Niall said directly to me.

" I am ok." I said stubbornly.

"no your not and I'm gonna tell ya what we are going to do. We are going on to the streets of London and we ain't going to stop till we find her." he said passionately.

"I don't know..."

"come on your meant to be her best friend." nina said loudly.

"yer well, iv called her brother and he said he will be here soon." I said standing up and walking to the door. I put my hand on the door Handel then Niall asked.

"who's her brother?"


"last name?"

"Sheeran." Niall then started to laugh and the others soon joined in.

" no really what's his last name?" Zayn asked.

"it's Sheeran." I said again.

"like THE ed Sheeran?" Sophie asked.

"yes!" and again they laughed. I chose this time to leave to go and meet ed at the front desk. I walk down the hall to the lift and pressed the down button.

"HEY CATLIN WAIT!!!" Niall yelled. The other boys running behind him. They all got into the lift and I asked. "where are the girls?"

Liam answered. "oh they thought you were lying and decided to stayed there, well everyone apart from Abbey." I looked around the lift and didn't see Abbey.

"oh she's stud behind Harry." Niall said as if he red my mind.

"oh, hey Abbey." she didn't reply. Not even a quiet sound escaped her lips.

The lift beeped as it reached the ground floor. The door bounced open and I could see ed at the desk.

"HEY ED!" I shouted as I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. "hi cat, not seen you in ages." he replied. Know you might think it's weird a 19 year old girl jumping into a 22 year olds arms. But iv known ed since I was 5 when I first became friends with Emma. He is

Like a brother to me.

"yer it's cause you been on tour." I said climbing out of his arms to see Abbey and boys with their mouths wide open. "I told you her brother is ed Sheeran." I said to them.

"oh hi boys." ed said walking over to them and giving each one a bro hug and abbey a normal hug. "hi ed!" Harry said excitedly.

"hi Harry." ed said simply.

"you remember me!" he then pretends to fait and Luke catches him. Ed laughs and turns to me. "so what's happened?" I took a deep breath and explain about how Paul pulled us from the crowd and how Emma met jack. Ed didn't like the idea of jack. I then told him about our fight and how she ran off.

"come on then we need to go and find her and Catlin you know how she feels about her smoking issue." he runs out the door as we follow. The cold hits us as we go onto the the cold streets of London. Instantly the boys pull up their hoods and put their sunglasses on As if it was normal.

"ok Emma go with Niall, Michael and Luke down Oxford street. Zayn, Liam, Calum and Ashton go to Westminster. Then me, Harry, Louis and Abbey will go to convert gardens." everyone nodded at ed and separated.

We started to head to Oxford street and kept an eye out for Emma along the way. Micheal and Luke keep pushing each other behind me Niall. We're just walking in a silence. Not an awkward silence just a nice silence. a good silence. Now iv said silence to much argghhh.

"so Catlin if you don't mind me asking why does Emma smoke?" Niall asked. Micheal and Luke stopped pushing each other to hear the answer. Well I could tell three people right? They won't tell anyone.... It's my secret to not just Emma's. Iv been effected but just not on the outside like her. I can trust them.

"well promise me, all of you that you won't tell anyone. That including the rest of the boys." I said to them.

"okay." Luke says.

"sure,," Micheal said.

"You can trust us Catlin were your friends now." Niall says smiling widely. He's so cute. Even better in person. Better than pictures in magazines and on tv. He's just cute and so him.

"okay well she smokes because...................


Thanks little people for reading ,please comment and tell me what you think! I wanna know :0) oh and you might wanna read my other story 'my friend knows Harry styles' its a one direction fan fiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye-bye till next time............

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