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hello little people please vote and COMMENT  it means a lot...............................................................................................oh and Abbey sorry that I made your character like quiet. its just to make the story more interesting .... read onnnnn little people------->


Harry's POV---

everyone Is sat around just in their own little convocations having fun. well everyone but Catlin. I feel sorry for her and I wouldn't want to be in her position. it would be me like me losing Louis or Niall or anybody really. right now im sat on the floor with Abbey. she still hasn't talked to anyone, not even me. I want to change that. I want her to talk. I wonder why she doesn't talk. is she mute? did she have a bad experience in the past? does she have bad breath???

I nudge her in the arm gently and whisper. "do you wanna get out here?" she nods quickly and stands up with me.

"guys were just going out for some fresh air." i said to everyone.

"yer im sure your getting some 'air' harry," Louis said putting air quotations around air. i laughed at him and opened the door for Abbey. as she walked she fiddled with her hands not letting them fall by her side. i walked behind her down the corridor watching her beautiful hair swing as she walks. How each foot perfectly placed its self onto the carpet each and every time. She suddenly stopped and i walked right into the back of her.

" i am so so so sorry Abbey! i didn't mean to do that, its just because i was watching you walk." she looked weirdly at  me and crossed her arms over her chest.

"no no no i didn't mean it like that, its just....i was ... you look perfect when you walk, and stuff." she giggled and pointed to a door. it was our hotel room door. i took out the key and unlocked the door. i opened it wide so Abbey could walk in first. she did so and followed inside. she walked into the bedroom and climbed up onto it. she then criss crossed her legs and sat patiently.

"are you ok Abbey?" i ask and she simply nods her head.

"are you sure?" she nods her head again.

"why don't you talk?" she looked away from me and stared at her feet. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it. but she needs to. she has to.

"okay then, what's your favourite colour?" she looked back up at me unsure weather to answer or not. she opened her mouth and quietly whispered "orange and blue."

that's the first time shes talked since iv seen her and i wouldn't be surprised if it was the first time ever she had spoken. I smiled at her replying "oh my God their my favourite colours to. whats your favourite food?"

she thought for a minuet then answered with a huge smile of her face as she pictured her food. "taco's." that time she said it louder than the last time she spoke. that time it was nearly a normal speaking level.

"thats so crazy because mines the same. i love tacos!" i say enthusiastically.She keeps smiling at me until a tear slips out of thr corner of her eye. She quickly brushes it away hopeing that i didnt see, but i did.

"whats wrong Abbey, is it bad i like tacos?" she then breaks down infront of me. i  quickly wrapp my arms tightly around her. she keeps cring and my top becomes wet but i dont care. all i care about is her.

"ivv...nnever ttalked to anyy..boddyy beforre...." she stuttered out.

"why?" i had to ask and find out some time so why not know.

"my ....he used to...beat me and tell shut uppp..... whillee hee hitss me." i shocked by what she aid. i couldn't believe a person hurting someone like Abbey. i pulled her into my chest telling her that no one was going to touch now that i was around. she hid her head in my chest trying to hind from the world, griping onto my top with her small fingers. shes only 16 and hes being beaten by her own dad. her own flesh and blood. how could this happen?

when she had calmed down a bit a started to sing isn't she lovely. (harry singing it is the video in the sidebar on the right.) she lied in my arms humming along with me. but her face was still was hiden from me. she wants to stay hidden but shes to beauitful to keep hidden away from the world.

 "Isn't she lovely

Life and love are the same

Life is Aisha

The meaning of her name

Londie, it could have not been done

Without you who conceived the one

That's so very lovely made from love " as i sang the last words i stared down at Abbey who is smiling but her eyes a closed. i hope she has sweet dreams.


thanks little people for reading! TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK IN THE COMMENTS DOWN BELOW!....... i just sounded like a youtuber hahahaha ....... anyways please SHARE, VOTE and COMMENT!!!!!!!!! ................. bye-bye :0)

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