Chapter 9- Nightmares and Running

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Chapter 9

Niall's POV

A flawless smell woke me up. I sat up rubbing my eyes, my nose filling with the smell of bacon. Oooo HELLO!!! BACON! I LOVE BACON.

While throwing the covers off my half naked body i stood staright up and sprinted to the kitchen. As i got near to the door way i could hear someone singing softly.

"When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight

It just wont feel right

Cause i can love you more than this yeah"

I realised it was Rachel singing quietly to herself. I love her voice. It can be so powerful but then ay other times really soft. I just love it. Snap out of it Niall.

Right im going to make my move.

I made my way through the kitchen door and the smell got stronger. I had socks on so my feet didnt make any sound. As i approached her i carefully wrapped my semi pale arms round her small waist. She gasped quietly.

"Dont worry babe. Its only me" i whispered softly into her ear. I could then feel her relax in my arms at the sound of my voice.

"Sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah you?" i said

"Yes thank you" she said. Even though she is quite a rebel she can be very polite as well. So kind. She leant back into my arms as i held her my body stopping her from falling. We swaed to the music on in the back ground. It was Bonfire Heart by James Blunt.

(A/N Bonfire Heart is a very good song you should really listen to it)

Just then we heard awwws and giggling behind us. We both turned to see all of the group staning there except from Lily.

"Wheres Lily?" Rach asked

"Oh we left her because she didnt sleep well last night and she was in a deep sleep. We tried shaking her but she didnt wake up" Harry explained.

"Oh okay. Anyway breakfa-" Rach was suddenly cut of by a piersing scream. We all looked at each other scared then ran to the other room to see Lily thrashing around, screaming and tears flowing down her flushed cheeks. As soon as we ran in Harry went to Lily and lay down next to her. He wrapped his tattooed arms around her and whispered soothing words in her ear. She began to calm down still asleep. She weak body was now flopped in harrys arms. Her eyes then suddenly opened to reveal her blue eyes with scared and worry in them. Harry hugged her tighter and she hugged back even tighter than him.

"Morning everyone" she said now happy again. We all replied with mornings and hellos. Her and harry got up as we all made our way back to the kitchen. Lily then made her way over to Rach with a innesont grin on her face.

"Oh god" Rach muttered.

"Rachel i really need to go out for a run but i dont want to go alone" she said her voice just like her facial expression. Innesont.

"Ugh fine. I need to cool of anyway. Being in the kitchen like this. Well let me tell you, you get sweaty from the heat." Rachel said.

They then went upstairs to go and change. A couple of minutes later they came down wearing shorts sports bras and trainers. They were giggling and talking to themselfs. All of us boys jaws dropped. Rach looked gorgous. Her brown/blue hair flowing down behind and her eyes sparling everytime she laughed. They put their ear phones in and turned the music on.

"Bye guys" they shouted while walking out the door.

"Bye" we all said back. Everyone then sat down and we began chatting about anything on our minds while eating our breakfast Rachel made.

*1 hour later*

Rach and Lily came bursting through the door amd jogged over to us in the living room.

"Okay we are just going to change them when we come back we will be getting ready to go" lily said really excited. We all cheered and ran upstairs to go and change.

I dont know why but i have a feeling someone is going to tell something true at the competition...


Bang! Yh so i will be updating more soon.

I might do that thing again where i write like 4 or 5 chapters then update them all so plz comment and vote. Oh and plz no hate.

AND YOU MUST NOT COPY MY STORY. All of this was my imagination. It started off as a dream so this is my mind and not yours!!!


-Rach ✨✨✨🌟🌟🌟💫💫💫💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥💤💤💤🙉🙉🙊🙈✌✌✌❤❤💚💚💜💜💙💙💛💛💋💋💋💋💋💋💋👣👣💭💬

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