Chapter 4- harry styles, singing and LOUIS?!

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Lily's POV

*sitting in seats*

I swear i just saw a flash of charlotte castle and Rebecca shore from Rach's primary school i met a couple of times before. I shrugged it off and turned towards Rach.

"Heeeyyyy" i said bringing out the word.

"Hey" she said back.

"Okay wen do u think they r gonna start?" i asked her excitedly.

"Just abbboouuuttt.......NOW!" as she said now the room went darker, the spot lights came on and the up all night beat started to play. How did she guess tht?! i gave her a confused look but she just shrugged, stood up and screamed. I ignored it doing the same as her.

After them singing Up All Night, Best Song Ever, story of my life and most of the Midnight Memories album, Harry walked up to the front and stood right infront of me. I screamed and he looked down at me and smiled.

"Thank you so much for being here tonight. We appressiate how you surpport us so much. If it wasnt fr you guys we wouldnt be here right now.
So the contest." he breathed out at the end. The crowd screamed including me and Rach.

He looked down at me again his eyes trailing along my slim body. Typical harry i thought. As his eyes got to my legs, gis mouth shaped into a ducky face with a little gap in the middle like he was breathing out. His eye brows furrowd togther and his eyes turned darker. I could suddenly notice a small buldge in his pants. They got tighter by the second as it grew. I couldnt hld it anymore. I let out a small soft moan as i was turned on by this. His eyes flickered back to mine black with lust lust? lust? lust?! lust?! LUST!!??? why was harry styles looking at me with lust in his eyes. I decided to ignor it and decided on teasing him. I slid my tounge out of my smally parted lips and licked accross my bottom lip biting it at the end. The buldge grew bigger and Rach noticed. She stuffled a laugh and i saw Niall staring right at her. He wasnt looking at her with lust but with love and dreamyness. The other boys were trying not to laugh hands covering their mouths.

He quickly winked at me before mouthing 'beautiful' and turning around. The boys gasped and harry looked down to his crotch then covering it with his big strong and firm hands. Louis then laughed really loud and harry stumbled over to him to then smack him on the back of the head. Liam then stepped forward.

"Ok look under you seats and see if you have won the contest" he annoused. I looked under my seat seeing something sparkling in the light. I reached and grabbed it oulling out a gold star. I screamed and tapped Rach to see her stand up holding another star. We both screamed then got called up to paul and the prople back stage. We scurried off taking our bags with us.

( A/N little mix arnt real in this )

We stopped infront of paul.

"Are your names Rachel Gillespie and Lily Seabright?" he asked

"Yes sir" we both said.

He ticked us off letting us go on stage with microphones in our hands. As walke on stage Niall and Harry gasped and the crowd roared. Just then we turned to see Rebecca Shore, Charlotte Castle and Phoebe Angilstine. We all screamed and ran towards each other. We all had a group hug whispering things like. 'God i have missed you' 'how are you?' ' i luv you guys'. We pulled out of the group hug and turned towards the boys. They all had confused expressions on their faces. We then told them our whole life story. They then nodded understanding.

We introdused our selfs to the boys and the crowd.

"Hi im Rachel Gillespie"

"Hi im Lily Seabright"

"Hi im Charlotte Castle"

"Hey im Rebecca Shore"

"Hey im Phoebe Angilstine"

The crowed roared again but louder and the boys just smiled. Niall then said we were singing first on our own just to hear our voices. We all decided on Gold by Victoria Justice. We got into places and the music started playing and I started off singing.

' I've been trying to let it go
But these butterflys i cant ignor
Coz everytime that i look at you
Know we're in a catch 22'..........................

(Listen to this song its amazing)

As we finished we struck a pose and laughed. I swear i saw a little red light from the back of th stage but ignored it enjoying myself.

As we met with the boys in the middle of the stage, they started to complemeant us on our performance until Louis spoke up.

"Um guys" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yes" we all said

" Well i kinda recorded you perfomance and sent it to simon cowell" he said his voice going up at the end. I then screamed and all of us shouted

"LOUIS!!!" In complete utter shock.


Ooooooo wat will the girls do? will simon like it? and if he does wat will happen to the gurls? i will kepp updating as much as i can. Thx guys

Bye ma babz!!!!

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