Chapter 2- shopping, stressing and starbucks

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Chapter 2

Lily's POV

As we were in history for last period i got my phone out and txted Rach even though she was right next to me.

'Hi we need to go shopping after school for outfits xxxx - Lily xx'

Her phone suddenly dinged quietly and her facial expression came from bored as hell to confused. As she checked to see who it was she glared at me playfully but nodded agreeing to the shopping trip just abooouuuttt.........NOW! The bell went signaling it was the end of the day and i silently celebrated inside.

We got out to the car park talking about what we needed to get. And Rach was stressing so much. I tried to calm her down but she has gone crazy as she doesnt know what to get. As we were walking through the school a couple of minutes ago she slapped a boy who was trying to chat her up. One thing you should know about us. I do judo and Rach does boxing. It quite funny to see her slap the boy but i said sorry for her behavior and dragged her away.

Right now she was littrely pulling her hair out. I pulled her hands away from her hair and made her face me.

"Right i think i know what you can get" i said to her calmingly.

"Omg really!" she exclaimed. "Wat can i get?!"

"You can get a Where We Are t shirt with black and dark blue dip die shorts with blue heeled boots to match your hair" i said

"Yeah okay then you can get the same shirt as me then light blue shorts and hot pink heeled boots to match you hair." She said coming up with an idea as she went along explaining it.

We drove to the shopping center in London and went down to the one direction shop. The thing us about me and Rach's life its a bit complicated to people. Me and Rch met and Herts and Essex in year 7 but in year 9 Herts and Essex burned down and we all got moved to different schools. Me and Rach got into a talent school, called London Arts, for our judo and boxing. Me and Rach also sing and Rach dances as well. We were the only ones who got into there and were very pleased. And we dont have school uniform. We also had to move house but our parents are both quite rich and we both have massive houses.

As we got into the one direction shop we went over the clothes and bought 2 Where We Are t shirts. I payed for them and Rach will pay for the shorts. We next went into new look giggling and looking for shorts. All of a sudden Diana came on and we were screaming it in the middle of the shop. No we didnt get kicked out as my dad is friends with the manager. But of course we still pay for the clothes. While in the shop we spoted the shoes and bought them as well.

We stolled around the shopping center looking in the windows while me having one ear phone in and Rach has the other. 5SOS Heartbreak Girl was bursting in our ears. We suddenly stopped dead, looking at each other then racing for the Starbucks infront of us. We both pushed through the door at the same time laughing as we couldnt fit then suddenly pooped through. Rach rushed to line up and i followed her actions. As we were asked what we want we said the usual. People know our usual as we come here so offten for it. THE CLASSIC HOT CHOCOLATE!!!!!!

After paying and sipping it as it burnt our throats we went back out to the car. And turned on the Up All Night album. We screamed What Makes You Beautiful as we drove home in the summer sun the sun starting to set making a pretty purple pink orange yellow and red colour in the sky.

We sat infront of Rach's house for a while talking.

"Oh my god what if harry styles notices me" i gushed quietly. We were talking quietly letting our selfs calm down from our busy day.

"That would be so cool. *gasp* you never know what i found out today." Rach said.

"What? What is it?" I asked wanting to know more.

"There is this contest going on where if you have a big foam gold star under you seat you get to go up on stage for the last three songs to sing with them do tweets and then go back stage and spend 2 hours with them in their dressing room" Rach explained sitting up a bit more. "But there is only five in the whole O2 arena."

"Wow but i garentie you we will never win that. But it would be so cool" I answered a bit sad at the end.

"Anyway i have to go now its getting late only for more days left of school" Rach said getting out of the car.

"Bye love you" i said

" Bye love you too" she said back.

I drove off after she went inside and got to my house a couple secons later as i only live down the road. I said hi to my mum sister and dad then went up stairs not feeling hungry coz im too excited. After changing into my pjs i lay down pulling the covers over me dreaming about if we won that contest.

Not gonna be updating soon wilm write loads of chapters and update them all see ya ma babz


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