Chapter 15- The attack

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"Aaah!!" I exclaimed as I woke up in fright.
"I wonder what that was, I should probably see what happened and check if everyone is okay"

I got out of bed and tip-toed to the door and put my ear to it to listen through it.
As I put my ear closer to the door, it swings open and slams into the side of my face sending me crashing to the floor.

As I look up, I'm relieved to see that it is just Aiden looking like a mess. His hair ruffled and tangled, his face smeared in dust and dirt and his clothes torn and dirty.

"What's happening out there!" I ask
"We are under attack, the guards are outside and are trying to get to inside. My mom put up a barrier spell so it'll take a while for them to get through. We need to hurry, pack up your essentials and run for the woods or summon Storm." He explains to me and as I take all this in, I start to realize... That this is all my fault.
"No! I want to fight, I caused all this trouble and I am going to fix it.

I marched slowly down the stairs and told Penelope to open a hole through the barrier.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2024 ⏰

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