Chapter 9-learning magic- part 2

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"Breakfast is served" Penelope sung, looking very proud of herself.
She made fried egg with pancakes and toasted bread with melted butter... Mmm, my favourite. "Thank you very much" I said in a giddy and childish voice. She laughed and said "You are welcome and I hope you enjoy it" she said with a smile. "You sound like a little kid who just saw a unicorn. I gasped. "There are unicorns here, am I allowed to keep one as a pet?" I asked curiously like a child. He just laughed and had a sip of his juice. "Unless you can catch one, then yes" He said with a smile. Then I thought about it. "Nah, I don't need to catch one, I can summon one." I took out my tapestry thing and took the black thread and needle and started weaving. I raised my hands, opened them in front of my face then swung it in the air and waved some more. I weaved a spiraled horn with wings on the side with sparkles around it and outside I heard the sound a horse makes, i have no idea what it is called. I hurried outside and saw the most beautiful creature ever. It was black with grey hair and a silver horn and when it opened it's wings, I was astonished, it was like mine, misty but it went from black to grey to silver with a hint of silver sparkles and glowing grey eyes. I squealed and ran towards the magnificent creature and stroked his hair. Hi, and what is your name.
"Huh, who said that.
Well, it is the magnificent creature who's hair you are stroking.
"Oh... Wait you can speak!" I said bewildered.
"Well duh I can speak, I am a magical creature after all.
"Oh, yeah I knew that" I said trying to sound convincingly but failing.
Yeah, you definitely failed at trying
"How did you know what i was thinking" I said holding my head
How else am I talking to you in your mind, I can hear your thoughts
Well this horse is weird
I heard that, just for that look up.
"Huh" and as soon as i looked up I felt cold. Them I looked down and saw that I was covered in ice and it was crawling up my body and it covered my entire body and the unicorn charged towards me and shattered the ice sending me flying into the tree a few metres away. Shouldn't of messed with him.
Ya darn right you shouldn't of messed with me.
Next thing I knew, I was standing in front of the unicorn.
I also have other powers. I have ice, teleportation, flying and I can nullify magic as it comes toward you.
That's very useful.
"Ok adrian, can we go now!" I screamed to him

I got onto... Hmm, what should I name him... Storm because he looks like a storm anyway I got onto Storm and flew to the field and I didn't let Adrian go on because I am a spoilt brat, he's gonna be so mad (creepy smile).

First, we practised ice so I concentrated really hard and as soon as i shot it, Adrian just snapped his fingers and fire appeared and melted the ice. "No fair, I have to concentrate hard before i can do anything, how do you just snap your fingers and it appears? I wanna do that too" I whined. He smirked and was about to snap his fingers when I put out my hand and shot him 29th a ray of ice and he froze. Huh, how did i just do that? I didn't even have to concentrate then i realized he was still trapped and I shattered the ice causing him to fly into the water. When he came out he was soaking wet and I started laughing. He snapped his fingers and I couldn't breathe, then he smirked, that bastard. I opened my hand and fire appeared I'm front of me, then it was my turn. I shot it forward and he flew back, did a backflip and landed on his face. Now i can breathe again. I took a deep breath and laughed again, this time just to be sure, I froze him.

I'm gonna try and update more and hopefully quicker

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