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Henry's POV-

When I went home I took the stairs two by two and locked the door to my room.

I turned around and surveyed the mess.

It's gotten way more dirty since Charlotte was in here last.

I threw my back pack off and started picking huge mounds of clothes off the floor and stuffing them into my closet.

I pushed trash, video games, sock balls, over due homework papers and Gatorade bottles underneath my bed and then made my bed so the sheets fell perfectly over the sides.

Disguising the tornado underneath it.

After that I went to Piper's room and knocked on her door.

"I'm busy!"

Piper screamed from the other side.

"Piper! I need you to do me a really big favor!"

I called, banging on the door.

Piper yanked her door open to glare at me.

"What part of busy does not register in your small vocabulary Henry?!"

She yelled.

"Piper, I need your help... I'll pay you five bucks if you vacuum my room for me?"

I held up five fingers.

Piper looked thoughtful.

"Make it ten."

She haggled.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. I don't have a lot of time to bargain with her.

"Fine, ten bucks but you have to do a good job."

I reached into my pocket and fished out a ten dollar bill.

"Thanks, Hen."

Piper snatched the money out of my hand and went the coat closet to get the vacuum.

I pulled my phone out of my locket and checked the time.

It's 6:00 O'clock now.

I still have time to get my room together before I text Charlotte.


"There... All finished."

Piper unplugged the vacuum and dusted her hands off. I looked over at the floor from my bed.

"Good enough."

I muttered.

Piper rolled her eyes and pulled the vacuum out of my room.

"Why are you even cleaning this pit anyway? It's just gonna get dirty again."

She said with a shrug, closing my door.

I sat up in my bed with my phone.

It was time to give Charlotte the go ahead to come over.

In the back of my mind I knew what we were doing was taking matters into our own hands.

But Charlotte was clearly hurting and it was hurting me too because I really like her, and I don't want her to be in that type of situation.

She doesn't know what people say about her. She can't hear. How can this be her fault?

It's not her fault, some people are just sick.

I sent Charlotte a text.

Me: If you're ready you can come on over 😉

A few minutes later she replied.

Char🙊❤🙉: Okay, I'm on my way.

My stomach was a little edgy but I pushed the feeling down.

I'm starting to think I should have walked her over.

It's getting darker outside, what if she got scared?

What if someone followed her?

I started to get worried.

Chill out Henry, I told myself taking a deep breath.

She'll be here soon. 

  💕Thanks from Nations101and Annaleese_Parker!💕

Yes. This chapter is very short, but more is coming so if you wanna see it and you also liked this chapter please leave a comment and vote!!!

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