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Henry's POV-

"What the hell Henry? That's why I told you to keep the door open, I'm responsible for Charlotte now and I say she's not aloud to kiss any boy until she turns 18!"

Ray was grilling me for what happened a few minutes ago.

I sat on the couch replaying the moment over and over again.

"That's not fair Ray, Charlotte is a very pretty girl and if you keep her locked up like that she'll rebel with the first guy she sees."

I reply. As I think about what I just said Ray glares at me. Damn.

"That's the problem now isn't it Henry! First my sweatshirt and now this?!"

I shifted uncomfortably on the couch.

"We didn't do anything bad Ray."

I rolled my eyes. Ray walked around the Mancave, pulling at his hair.

"If I hadn't walked in you two would have probably been knocking the pictures off the walls by now!"

He sighed exasperatedly.


Heat rushed to my cheeks. Oh my god. I can't believe he just said that.

Charlotte would have died if she heard him say that. My stomach squirmed.

Ray turned to look at me with his hands on his hips.

"What? It's true. I know you like her kid but try and keep your hands to yourself from now on okay?"

I nodded and looked away from him, catching the corner of my lip with my teeth.

That kiss was... Something I can't explain. It's all I've ever wanted from her for the past 3 months.

But then at the end, she wanted me to get off of her. Which confused me.

Didn't she like it? Was she still mad at me? Does this mean we're officially a couple?


Ray snapped his fingers in my face and I flinched, coming back from outer space.

"Uh, sorry... Yeah?"

I looked up. Ray shook his head.

"Just get home Henry, I'll take care of things here."

As I stood up, I spotted Charlotte peeking around the corner of the gears.

"Are you sure?"

I stared at her and grabbed my backpack.

"Of course, I'm Captain Man I can handle anything."

Ray replied, settling into his swivel chair with a steaming mug of coffee and a magazine.

"Alright then."

I put my backpack over one shoulder. Then I looked back at Charlotte and then slightly jerked my head in the direction of the elevator.

She glanced at Ray, then nodded.

"5 minutes."

She held up 5 fingers. I walked to the elevator and kept my gaze on her as the doors closed.


I waited outside Junk and stuff for a few minutes. It was cold and drizzly outside. I glanced at my watch.

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