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Charlotte's POV-

One Month Later...

"Hi Ray!"

I wave and walk out of the elevator into the Man cave and sling my back pack onto the couch.

"Hey, don't come over here yet I have a surprise for you."

Ray held up his dry erase board. We used it to talk to each other.

He disappeared behind the rotating gears with a mischievous smile. I shrugged and sat on the couch to start my homework.

It's been about 3 weeks since Mrs. Perry was arrested. She's still going through trials in court and stuff but it doesn't look good for her.

She was gonna have to serve time in prison.

Her foster home has been split up as well. Angela and I will probably never see each other again but as long as she was away from Mrs. Perry I didn't mind as much.

I just hope she's happy.

Living with Ray has been really fun, he was like the really cool, really leanant step dad I've always wanted.

But sometimes it gets hard for us to communicate, so Ray has been trying to get Swhoze to come up with some kind of hearing aid for me.

I was really excited about that.

Henry comes to the Mancave all the time. We hang out for hours, watching T.V, eating, and I even get to watch them transform into Captain Man and Kid Danger to go off and save people.

Life was pretty good right now. But I couldn't help feeling like something was missing. Like I just need one more thing to really make it even better and complete.

I guess that thing was my hearing. But it didn't feel like that. It felt deeper, somewhere in my heart.

I sat up on the couch and tried to focus on my homework. I'm just thinking too much like I always do.

A little bit later the doors to the elevator opened and Henry strolled out.

He came over to me and tweaked my cheek. I looked up at him, pleasantly surprised. Henry usually comes over a little later.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

I scooted over on the couch so he could sit down.

"I had a craving for a cheese burger and I thought you would too."

Henry held up a red and white paper fast food bag.

"Inside out burger? Definitely."

I signed back to him. Henry pulled the incredible smelling contents out of the bag and set them down on the table in front of us.

I unwrapped my burger and took a bite.


I closed my eyes, savoring the taste. I can't remember the last time I had a good burger.

Henry ate a bunch of fries and watched me.

"Have you been eating lately? You look like you're losing some weight."

His eyes scanned me, he touched my arm and I shook my head.

"I feel like I've been gaining weight actually, Ray has been fattening me up."

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