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Charlotte's POV-

Everything hurt. Everything was aching and throbbing. My head is what hurt the most. I can't even remember what happened after Mrs. Perry knocked me upside my head the first time with that metal rod.

Just thinking about it made me cry. Tears streamed down my cheeks and into my hair.

I felt a warm hand on my arm and then my face. Someone was wiping my tears away. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Henry staring down at me.

Of course. No matter what he was always there when I needed him.

His eyes were deep brown wells of sympathy.

I stared up at him for a long time. Unable to move. It hurt too much.

But Henry signed to me.

"You're okay Charlotte, you're gonna be okay. Ray is gonna let you stay here until the social service people do full investigation on Mrs. Perry."

I gave a slight nod of my head. I never wanted to hear that name again. I was in so much pain.

Angela and the other kids should be getting back from day camp by now. When they see that I'm not there and Mrs. Perry isn't either they'll know
something is wrong.

I looked around the room I was in. I was lying in a bed. Covered with a blanket. There was a case of bubble gum on the dresser. Lots of gadgets and odd ends around the floor.

Posters of Captain Man and Kid Danger lined the walls. I must be down in the Mancave again.

At least I felt safe now. I won't ever have to face Mrs. Perry again. I let out a relieved sigh and drifted off back to sleep.

Henry sat next to me on the bed and grabbed my hand. He watched me go back to sleep and I was so grateful he had found me when he did and he was here with me.


Watching Charlotte not even have enough energy to stay awake longer than a few minutes made even more angry inside.

I gave her hand a gentle squeeze and after a moment I lifted it to my lips and kissed it.

I just want her to smile again. I just want her to be okay. I want her to get better. I want to feel her warm hugs again. I want her to feel protected.

That's all I want.

What did she ever do to deserve this? She's deaf for god sake! She didn't do anything but try to live in this fucked up world.

Ray gave me an update a few hours ago about the situation.

Mrs. Perry was being held in court custody for charges in Child abuse, illegal money laundering and violations against disabled human health services.

Guess she was being crooked in more ways than one.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled it out and read the text I just got.

Mom🙅😗: Henry where are you?! Your dad and I are worried sick you should have come home from work by now. What did we tell you about checking in?!?!?!

I sighed, rolling my eyes. I didn't want to come home. I wanted to stay with Charlotte until she woke up again.

Besides Ray needs me to help talk to her.

Me: I know, I'm sorry mom I'm running late. Eat dinner without me... Ray needs me to to some overtime I'll be home later.

After that I returned my attention to Charlotte. I'd stay here for hours if I had to.

💕 Thanks for reading from! 💕 Nations101 and Annaleese_Parker!

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