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Henry's POV-

Nothing in this world or maybe in this universe felt so bad.

Getting rejected by Charlotte, the girl I was quickly falling in love with, was the greatest pain I have ever felt in my entire life.

Simply because now that she doesn't feel the same way... I wanted her even more.

And I'm not trying to sound arrogant or high and mighty... But I can't imagine why she would just shoot me down like that.

I pretended to be asleep, when really I was just lying there staring at the ceiling and feeling like complete shit.

I just really... Couldn't understand why.

Why does she not want to be with me?


I looked over at Charlotte sleeping on the floor.

She tossed and turned trying to get comfortable. She was mumbling things and making sounds in her sleep.

Like she was having a a bad dream.

I turned on my side and watched her.

I wish I could say as soon as Charlotte didn't return my feelings, that I let my them go. That it didn't bother me anymore.

But it did.

I still really like her, I want to be with her and I don't think I've ever wanted anyone so much before.

It was ripping me up inside.

It was threatening to make me angry and scared of ever trying to like someone again.

Just then Charlotte awoke out of her sleep, gasping.

I immediately sat up and gave her a concerned look. Her eyes were wild and her chest was heaving.

She looked really incredibly scared.

Then she started crying.

She looked up at me and just... Sobbed.


I got out of bed and put my arms around her on the floor.

"Shh, It's okay... Charlotte."

Even though she couldn't hear me, I'm sure she felt the fierce beat of my heart as I held her in my arms, trying to get her to calm down.

I stroked her hair away from her flushed cheeks and closed my eyes.

It was hard not to feel like my heart wasn't being affected by her anymore, because it was and it was hurting so badly.

I never should have told her how I felt about her.

When Charlotte was calm enough to talk to about it,  she wiped her eyes and signed to me.

"I had a nightmare.... About getting kidnapped and taken back Mrs. Perry's house."

She explained.

That's when I knew just how much she hated that place... And how much she never wanted to go back.

"Listen to me, don't worry about that. You're here and you're gonna be okay... No one is gonna take you away from me... I mean from my house, and stuff-"

That was so lame... But it helped a little.

Charlotte nodded and took a deep breath, after I signed back to her.

What I really wanted to do was make her spend the rest of the night in my arms.

I wanted to kiss and tell her she could squeeze me as tight as she needed to because I was always gonna be there for her... No matter what.

But I had to let Charlotte go, so she could get back to sleep.


Charlotte signed my name, as I moved to get up.


I turned my eyes to her.

Charlotte looked as if she might be blushing, but I really couldn't tell.

It was dark in my room.

"I know things are... Complicated between us right now, but just as friends... Could I maybe lay up there with you?"

Her eyes were of silent pleading.

And even though it would only make things harder for me... What else could I do?


I signed to her and a relieved little smile tugged at her lips.

Charlotte climbed up into my bed and snuggled under the blankets.

I felt warmer already.

Having another body that I... Possibly wanted to do special things with next to me was very overwhelming.

Especially since that body would probably never feel my touch in that way.

But I pushed those thoughts away and tried to stay focused on her.

Charlotte instantly fell asleep again, but I continued to stare gaze at her face.

I need to get over this. I need to let it go.

But the way she made me feel...

It was something I could only feel with her and her alone... And I don't know why.

I sighed with a small chuckle at myself. Here I am stressing over a girl who was so amazing and beautiful like an idiot.

When I could just move on.

But what did I expect? That she would just be madly in love with me too?

That was so unrealistic for me. And it only made the pain build up in my chest.

I turned on my side away from her, and tried to fall asleep.

But with Charlotte in my bed, I knew I wasn't going to be able to get any rest anyway.

   💞 Thanks so much for reading, from Nations101 and Annaleese_Parker! 💞

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