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Double updates because it's Easter! 🐰😊💝

Henry's POV-

It wasn't that late, but my parents were freaking out.

I sat next to Charlotte on Ray's bed holding her hand and falling asleep.

The gears on the wall shifted and Ray came in.

"Hey kid, why don't you get on home I'll look after her."

He said nodding to Charlotte.

I looked up at him drowsily.

"Are you... Sure?"

I let out a big yawn.

Ray chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Besides you've worried your poor parents enough, Hen."

I looked back at Charlotte and sighed.

"Alright, I guess I'll get going."

I leaned down and brushed my lips over her warm cheek.

"Goodnight Char."

I whispered.

After that I reluctantly let go of her hand and stood up.

"Call me if she wakes up please."

I stretched my back as I walked out of Ray's bedroom. He saluted me.

"Will do."

I walked out of the Man Cave to the elevator. I was pretty tired from staying up so long but it was all worth it.

I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders at the reality that Charlotte was safe and she didn't have to worry about her foster mom anymore.

Walking home, I smiled to myself through my exhaustion.

She's finally safe.


Later in the night I was asleep when my phone started ringing.


I moaned a little and reached around over on my night stand to answer it.

I was just in the middle of having a wonderful dream that involved Me, a beach, and Charlotte in a bikini.


I held my phone to my ear. There was silence.

Why was this person not talking?

I pulled my phone back to squint at the bright screen.

"Hi Henry!"

It was Charlotte. She had face timed me.


I sat up a little, my heart picked up the pace. She was... Smiling. She looked alert and really energetic.

"I think she's feeling better, Henry."

Ray moved into the view of the camera. He smiled as Charlotte pointed to her mouth.

"And she has a gigantic appetite now."

He said before leaving to get her more food.

I had to laugh. I was so relieved she was back to her old self.

"Hey, you're feeling okay?"

I propped my phone up on my knees to sign to her.

She nodded.

"Yeah much better, a little sore but I'm okay."

She signed back.

"I'm glad."

The corner of my mouth lifted as Charlotte shyly glanced away from me.

"Stop looking at me like that."

She signed. I sat up a little more and leaned my arm on my leg to get a better look at her.

"Like what?"

She shrugged a little.

"I dunno... Just like that."

She giggled nervously, and my stomach fluttered.


We looked away from each other at the same time.

I can tell she was blushing and my cheeks felt a little hot too. But nothing could describe how I was feeling at that moment.

She always managed to be happy in such a horrible situation.

Charlotte is a really special kind of girl and that was only one of the reasons I wanted her so badly.

"So tomorrow the social worker is coming over to ask me some questions and stuff and if I'm lucky they'll let me stay here with Ray for a little while. Ray said he could build me a new room and everything... I've never had my own room before."

She propped her head up with one hand. She had stars in her brown eyes and her curls spilled down over her wrist.

She never looked more beautiful to me.

"That sounds awesome, Char."

I replied swallowing the painful lump that had formed in my throat.

"You okay Henry?"

Charlotte spelled my name with one hand.

I looked up and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

She looked over her shoulder and then smiled back at me.

"I also wanted to say thanks again Henry... You're my real hero."

I forced a smile of my own.

"I'd do anything for you Char."

As soon as I signed that I wish I hadn't.

Charlotte looked uncomfortable for a second but she brushed it off.

It was kind of a dumb... Romantic thing to say.

"Well, um I better let you go... It's getting late and you're probably feeling sleepy."

Charlotte pushed her curls behind her ear and crossed her eyes at me.

I chuckled. She was so adorable.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

Charlotte waved.


After the face time ended I stared at the screen.


I put my phone back on the nightstand and tried to go back to sleep.

There was no greater feeling than knowing that she was gonna be okay.

But the sad part was I was falling harder for her. And I don't think I'll ever be able to get over this no matter how hard I tried.

  Sorry for the short chapters guys but there is still more even though the end is very near.

     💞 Thanks for reading! from 💞 Nations101 and Annaleese_Parker

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