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Charlotte's POV-

When I woke up the next morning, Henry was gone.

I sat up in his bed. The curtains were open his sweatpants lay in a heap on the floor but he left me a note on his nightstand.

I picked it up and read it.

"Parents are gone, Piper's at friends house and breakfast is waiting downstairs for you. I'm sorry I left but I had to get to work, I'll text you later.


I set the note on the nightstand again and got out of Henry's bed.

So the house was empty... And quiet. I chuckled to myself, but then again things were always quiet for me.

I go to the window and peek out.

My stomach growls and I know I'm getting unbearably hungry, so I grab some clothes from my tote and head to Henry's bathroom for a quick shower.

No one's POV-

Outside Henry's house a tall man in a dark black ski mask his casing the joint.

He saw the others leaving earlier and thought it was just the right time to pull a quick robbery on some of the houses in the neighborhood.

Starting with this one.

Using a rusted metal crowbar, the man pried the door open and slipped inside.

Charlotte's POV-

Before stepping under the water, my phone buzzed on the bathroom counter.

I was getting a text from Henry.

Hen🔱🌟🔱: Hey, if you're up come to Junk and stuff Char, I just don't have a good feeling about you being home alone... Without me.

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

That was very sweet of Henry, but nothing can happen when no one is here.

Me: Thanks for worrying about me but don't... I'm fine okay? You should be working and I think I can take care of myself.

I put my phone down and stepped into the shower.

No one's POV-

The man was now inside. He looked around... Pretty nice furniture, big TV, lots of appliances.

He thinks he's hit the jack pot.

If this was all that was downstairs he couldn't wait to get upstairs.

Charlotte's POV-

I turned the water off in the shower.

I wrapped a towel around myself but stood still in front of the mirror...

Was that a pimple growing on my nose? How embarrassing.

I got dressed quickly and grabbed my phone, stepping out of the bathroom and leaving Henry's room to go eat breakfast.

Walking to the edge of the staircase I was about to jog down but then...

I saw something...

The top of someone's head with some sort of sock looking thing over their head...

Oh no!

I stepped back, covering her mouth with my hand.

Somebody was in the house!

I backed away from the staircase and began to freak out.

That's when I saw a shadow against the wall... rising to the top of the stairs.

I ran as quietly as she could back to Henry's room and hid in his closet.

This was so bad.

No one's POV-

The man who had broken into Henry's house slung his bag of goods over his shoulder and looked around skeptically after climbing the stairs.

He could have sworn he heard a door open and close up here.

But how can that be... The Harts were gone for the day?

Maybe he was just hearing things.

He rubbed his chin under the hot and itchy ski mask and started with the master bedroom.

Bound to be some expensive goodies in there too.

Charlotte's POV-

I thought about calling the police but that would do me no good, I can't speak.

So I had to text Henry as fast as my thumbs would allow and I hoped... I hoped I could reach him in time.

Because I can't hear anything and I don't know where that  robber person is in the house.

That was probably the scariest feeling of all.

Me: Henry! Please call 911 somebody has broken into your house!!!!

I shrunk back into the closet, my heart pounding. Henry didn't reply for a really long time.

He probably wouldn't, he said he was working and maybe he doesn't have his phone right now.

Please Henry... Please hurry.

I took a deep breath and watched the closet door in case it opened.

I've never needed Henry as much as I need him now.

😏😚 Thanks for reading! From Nations101 and Annaleese_Parker
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