chapter 2

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this chapter is "mature" and very graphic so im warning you now  ;)

Songs for this Chapter:

Holocene- Cameron Mitchell

Who You Love- Katy Perry and John Mayor

All That Matters- J. Bieber


Niall's P.O.V

My heart is chipped. As much as I absolutely love Cleo, she's being eaten alive by whatever is bothering her and the way she acted towards me last week was terrible. I would defend her in any situation, but it was with me this time. Even though she only physically attempted to hurt me, it emotionally hurt us both because now we're both single.

Her nightmare screaming routines continue every night, it's hard to ignore, but I do it anyway. I flip the pancake over, waiting for it to be finished, my mind trails back over the things that Cleo and I have done, but I shut it off right when I see Cleo behind Harry. She turns around once she sees me, but I saw her red swollen face and puffed up eyes before she left.

"You're a dick." Harry stands in front of me after I finish making my breakfast, he looks pissed off and tired.


"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You ruined her entirely, Niall. What kind of man leaves his girl in a bedroom by herself to suffer like that in the middle of the fucking night?" When he says that I felt a small pang in my chest, but it disappears when I realize that we aren't together anymore.

"She's not my girl." I eat my pancake while we talk.

"Yeah, I figured that whenever she slept by your door for two nights. What you did was fucked up and you know it, she came down here because I was going to make her eat." He raises his voice, but lowers it some, so Cleo can't hear us.

"Cut the shit. Don't come down here telling me that what I did was wrong and that she won't eat over this. It's not that big of a deal." I look at him like he's stupid.

"And this is why Cleo fought your ass.. because you don't care. If I were her, I would've fought you too."

"Don't you dare say I don't fucking care about her. You don't even know what's going on!"

"Whenever I have to wake her up in the middle of the night, she comes in my room because you aren't there."

"You slept with her?" If he says yes, I'll stick his face in this hot pan.

"No, besides even if I sleep with her it wouldn't matter. Cleo is single." He smirks in my face and he tells me to go away because he has to bring Cleo down.

Harry cuts up an orange for Cleo, but she stares straight ahead, then puts her head down. I watch from upstairs, only to watch Harry not Cleo. Cereal is placed in a bowl, but she won't touch it, her head is hiding in her arms on the table.

"You have to eat something," Harry says to Cleo, browsing through the freezer, then turning around to face her, but her head is still laying on the table and her arms covering her.

"What do you want?"

"Niall." When she answers him I go back to the guest room before I start feeling bad and crawl back to her. I go back to sleep with headphones in my ears, tuning the world out. My iPod dies, so I go back into the room and I'm happy, yet sad a little because she's not in here, she's in Harry's room.


Three weeks later

I've only seen her twice in three weeks. Three whole weeks. Harry told me that she wants to keep sleeping in our bed.

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