Snow 01.2012

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Have you ever realized this wonder?

That comes after rain and thunder

It's small, fuzzy and white.

Its flakes race to the Earth and you can hear

Them as they touch the ground and disappear.

As they fall down so slow

It fills you with peace although you know

That some are watching this with fear

Of the next day. And there is a tear.

They see this white dress sprinkled with red

Their hope for the future is almost dead

Only when they look up at the sky

They can forget or at least try

Just for one moment to see the white flakes fly

And land on their faces to dry

They will wash their salty tears away

And give them hope so they can prey

For the happiness of the next day.

The same hope and light will lay

On your heart and they will say:

Tomorrow will be a better day, no, the best

But only if you respond to this one request

Don't just stand there and hope it will be O.K.

Protect your beliefs and change life in your own way

we will keep coming every year

to remind you about this, oh dear


Age: still 15,  Place: In front of a supermarket in same old homeland. ( Notice how I didn't ssay my homeland ;| still not sure on that one.)

Anyway I still remember the exact setting when I wrote that.

It was January and snowing. Probably even the first snow of the winter. It was enough to give us a free day off school.

I was waiting by the car while dad went into the said supermarket-like institution. It was one that got everything you need but at a cheaper price than the others. It was something that came to life after everything got much more expensive, like food and other everyday stuff. It was either because it was hard to get or just because of the fall of the currency.

I don't think I have to write much more...

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