Chapter Ten

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--Your Pov--

You were in the bathroom getting dressed for the feast. There was a never ending smile plastered on your face. Tord was getting dressed in his bedroom. You put on a F/C dress that wasn't too poofy or frizzy. You brushed your hair and opened the door. Tord was facing away from you. He turned around to you. He was fixing a red bow tie he was wearing. You stopped and looked at him. He had a grin on his face.

"No one here has seen me dressed like this." He said. "This will be surprising to them."

"Yeah well..." You walk over to him. " matter how you dress, I'm sure they will listen to your orders."

Tord wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you. I after a few seconds, he pulled back. You linked your arm with his and walked out. Patryk was waiting outside in a black suit and yellow tie(black and yellow, black and yellow). He started to walk and clear a path for you and Tord. The whole army was gathered around the outside of Tord's room. You looked around at everyone.

'Look at all this respect!'

As Tord and you walked past, the soldiers bowed. They followed the three of you as they stood up. Patryk glanced back at you and gave you a 'I know, right' face. Patryk lead you to a table. It only had two seats. Patryk pulled out a seat and Tord sat in it. Patryk pushed it in and did the same to you.

"What will it be?" He asked as he pulled out a notepad from his back pocket.

"My usual." Tord waved his hand.

"I'll have F/F(Favorite Food)." You said.

Patryk nodded and walked away. You looked around and noticed that there were tables and troops everywhere. They were sitting at tables of about four or five but you and Tord were the only ones that were sitting together without anymore than two people. You looked over at Tord.

"I made sure that this was going to be special for you. I could care less about a party, but if it made you happy, then why would I not do it?" He shrugged.

"Tord, this is amazing. I can't believe this is really happening." You said, looking around at the base.

Patryk walked over and served Tord and you your food. You stared at it for a second. Then started to eat.

//Time Skip\\

You and Tord finished the food you both ordered. He stood up, fixed his bow tie, and pulled you up from your seat. He walked you over to an open area. The night sky was dully lit from the moon light so there were other dull lights around the base, lighting it up so people could actually see where they were walking and didn't fall or trip over anything, The lights were dimmed down as Tord pulled you into a dance floor like area. The music started playing, it was slow. You latched your arms around Tord's shoulders and he wrapped his around your waist. You stared into his eyes and he stared back. You felt lost in this moment. He was so calming. You felt the heat of his body on your arms. Everyone around you two grabbed a friend or their girlfriend... or boyfriend, and started dancing. You and Tord swayed side to side to the music. You laughed slightly and rested your head on his shoulder.

"I love you. This... this is amazing." You smiled.

"Jeg elsker deg også." He said.

You could tell what he was thinking.

'I bet he's thinking something along the lines 'I bet she doesn't know any Norwegian so I'm just gonna say this and laugh on the inside because she doesn't know what I said.''

"Do you know what that means?" He asked.

"Of course... not." You say.

"It means 'I love you too'." He said.

You smile even more and lift your head. You both stare into each other's eyes again and next thing you know, you feel him press his lips against your's again. You closed your eyes and kissed back. You heard a girly squeal somewhere in the dancing crowd, but there was one thing, you knew it was a guy. Both you and Tord pulled back at the same time and held each other.

//Time Skip\\

The feast was almost over with because most troops went to sleep. It was almost 1:00 in the morning and you still felt as springy as a yo-yo. You and Tord were talking in the middle of a crowd, everyone talking about something different. You heard some talk about you and Tord, all good things though. You and Tord were drinking some punch that the soldiers brought out. Patryk was talking with your brother. They seemed to be becoming good friends already by the looks of it.

"And that's how I got here to Britain." Tord finished his story.

"Wow, I didn't know it was so difficult to cross countries as a kid. Yet again, I never really thought about it." You stop. "Have you heard from your soldiers about how Paul is doing? I don't want a friend to die."

"Yeah, they reported to me before I put my suit on for the party. He'll be fine and up by tomorrow. He lost his right eye though from the gun shot. Oh, and they said your brother should be able to walk around decently without his crutch in about a day or two, if not tomorrow. I'm glad you two joined the army. You won't fight. I don't want you to get hurt. And I promised your brother that he didn't have to fight if he didn't want to so he shouldn't be getting hurt either." Tord answered.

A wave of relief filled your body.

"Oh great." You sighed and smiled. "Thank you, very much for, everything, Tord. I don't think any of this would have happened if I chose Tom."

"Yeah, um, that reminds me." Tord rubbed his neck as you spotted Patryk point in your direction.

Your brother and other soldiers looked at you and Tord. Tord grabbed something out of his back pocket and hid it in his hands. He bent down on one of his knees and held out his hands. Your eyes started to fill up with tears and you jumped up and down, you knew what he was doing. He uncovered the item with one of his hands and looked up at you.

"F/N, will you make me the happiest man on the Earth, and marry me?" He asked.

"AAAHHH!!! Yes!" You screamed and wrapped your arms around him.

Everyone in the base cheered as you and Tord laughed. Tears of joy rolled down your face as well as they did Tord's.

"I knew you would." He whispered.

(I'm crying. I'm seriously not kidding either. But anyway, I'm learning Norwegian(incase you didn't know that) so it is pretty easy for me to read quite a bit of Tord X Readers. Anyways, I'm supposed to be sleeping, again. Literally, you know how when you spell a certain word enough times, it just shows up in the 'Word prediction' bar above the keypad? Yeah well, apparently I say 'I'm supposed to be sleeping' too many times because it predicted that I was going to say that.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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