Chapter Twenty-Five

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--Your Pov--

Your phone started to go off. You jerked your head up and turned towards your phone. It showed the time. 6:55 in the morning and someone was calling you?

'What in the...?'

You lazily reach over and grab your phone. You press the 'Answer' button and put the phone to your ear.

"Hello? Who is it and why are you calling me at 6:55... no wait... 6:56 in the morning?" You ask, rubbing your face.

"Hi F/N!" The familiar noise yelled over the phone.

You pulled the phone away from your ear. Soon, you recovered and put the phone back to your ear.

"Ooohhh... hey Matt." You looked off to the side of the bed. "Why-why are you calling? Especially at this time of day?"

"Edd told me to dial your number. Oh! He needs to talk with you by the way. He's right here." There was a shuffling of Matt handing over the phone to Edd. "Uh, hey F/N." Edd sighed.

"Hey Edd. What's wrong? If you called at this time and were occupied when Matt called me, this must be important." You worry, sitting up and starting to get dressed.

"Yeah um... it's Tom." Your felt the face of sadness come onto your face. "He keeps trying to commit suicide."

You nearly jumped off the ground when Edd said those words.

'Another thing to worry about!?'

"What!?" You screamed into the phone. "I want to talk with him, RIGHT. HUGGING. NOW."

You heard Edd run to another room. You also heard him shout "Tom! F/N wants to talk with you". There was the shuffle of the phone being handed over again.

"...." There was silence on the other side of the phone. "Hello?"

"Tom! Are you seriously trying to kill yourself!?" You lean into the phone and wait for the answer.

"Why not!?" He barked. "I'm useless! No one wants me! Not even you! So why should I be alive if no one would care if I was dead!?" His voice cracked when he started his outburst.

"Tom...." You whispered, pulling your coat over your arm. "I...."

You didn't know what to say. You chose Tord so you couldn't say you still loved Tom-which in reality, you faintly still did-but that's besides the point.

"I know you want to make me feel better now but you can't. Sorry F/N." He whispered the last sentence sadly.

"Wait! Tom! Don't!" He hung up.

You slouched and sighed heavily.

'I hope Matt and Edd can keep him safe.'

//Time Skip\\

You walked to the edge of the base. The wall was a quarter of the way done already.

'At this rate, this base could get anything done.'

You turned your head to the right, where Paul had a pencil resting on his ear and was holding a clipboard with paper on it. You leaned over in his direction.

"How's it coming so far Paul?" You ask, raising a brow.

He nearly jumped out of his socks because there was a 99% chance that he wouldn't know you were standing next to him. He fumbled with the clipboard in the air. It went from hand to hand like he was juggling a blistering hot stone. He eventually dropped the clipboard and panicked even more.

"Uh erm-it's going just fine... uh... Red Leader." He bent down and picked up the clipboard.

"I can see that." You meant that two ways.

The first way was serious, you noticed that the wall was going just fine. The second way, however, was not so serious. You meant a sarcastic way. When Paul dropped the clipboard, it was quote on quote, 'going just fine'.

"At this rate, the wall should be done at around... 18 or 19 hundred hours, two days from now." He tilted his head side to side while he made the estimate. "The wall materials are some of the strongest we could find, to. So no worry about anyone getting through the wall. There will be a walkway up on the top where you can perch some soldiers so no one can get over the wall. Under the wall however, we still haven't thought of a good way to prevent that BUT we are having the wall go down about twenty feet down into the ground, at least until we find a better solution."

"Good job." You nodded and patted his back. "Keep up the work."

You turned and walked to the Medi-Cells.

'Man, I hope that tunnel down here is lower then 20 feet.'

You walked in and heard someone yelling at some others.

"Hey! That's MY sandwich! Give it back!" One voice yelled.

"No. Go get another one yourself. These aren't even that good anyways." The second voice returned.

"Then why did you take it?" The first voice asked.

"Because I can and I'm hungry." The second voice stopped the discussion so you continued to walk down the hallway.

'Is the soldier food bad? Well, I guess I wouldn't know because one, I'm Tord's fiancé and he's their 'Red Leader'. Two, right now I'm their 'Red Leader'. And you have to make that food as good as possible for your leader, no matter who it is.'

You continued until you reached medical room Q-13. You poked your head into the room and spotted Patryk pointing at different soldiers as he talked to them.

"Casey, report." He ordered, getting ready to write.

"I created five different concoctions." He leaned over to a table and grabbed a test tube that had a glowing arctic blue liquid. "I call it, REP-987."

"R. E. P.? That sounds like the word 'Replica'. How many REP-987s have you made?" A random soldier asked.

"What ever Drake. Let's see if you did any better." Casey countered, putting the test tube back.

"Yes, right. Drake?" Patryk finished writing down the info Casey released.

"I made three different concoctions." He whipped his pointer finger towards Casey as soon as Casey opened his mouth. "Shut up." Casey and Drake returned to their normal stance. "I feel like the first one I made will do the job of turning Fridthjof and Fridtjof back into humans."

"What's it called?" Patryk asked, glancing up at Drake.

"It's called RIP-333."

(Imma just stop it there. Because I want to save as many words as I can for the next chapter so I have something to write. Not running out of ideas so don't worry. I just mean so the book can be 'longer'. Oh stop your whining, even if I write all those words in this chapter, this book would still be the same length. And by the way, 6:55 is when I wake up for school. I need to do that tomorrow because there was no school today and for the first time in my life(or for the first time in forever(*plays the Frozen soundtrack*(I think that's what it is))) I actually LIKED a MONDAY. I know right? HOW the freak? Any who... I was more lively today then I am over the weekends or when I'm in public and now that I say that, I sounds worse than it did in my head. Uhm... anyways, bye!

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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