Chapter Fourteen

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--Tord's Pov--

I was resting on the trunk of a tree in the woods. I had used the secret passage I was shown when I was little. We never ended up having to use it but I still remembered it existed. I closed my eyes and sighed. The birds chirping and wind blowing the leaves made it so peaceful out here. My right arm laid next to me with bandages over it. The bleeding started to stop when I exited the tunnel and now it just stings. The sunlight beamed down on my face and my surroundings. I tilted my head to the side and started to feel like I was going to fall asleep. Before I could get into a dream, I felt something touch my arm. F/N was sitting down next to me. She stared at my wound and squeezed my forearm.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Tord." She lowered her head.

"Sorry? Why?" I was generally confused.

"If I never said 'we should check up on my brother and Paul', this would have never happened. You would have never been shot, Patryk would have never been shot...." F/N stopped.

"This isn't your fault. If anything, it's mine." I sighed.

She scooted up closer to me and rested.

//Time Skip\\

I sat at my desk. My right shoulder was healing so I had to work with my left arm. I had Clyde and Justin lock up Patryk in the cells with what-ever-those-things-are. They are projects of mine that I am working on. Patryk probably didn't want to go down there because he hates seeing turned soldiers. They attack on sight, as far as we know. That's why we locked them down there. I'm planning on having someone head down there and change Patryk's respect to the army. F/N was sitting in a seat next to me, looking bored.

"I thought you said you were free." She looked up at me.

"I WAS. But now, I need to start the perimeter project. Our boarders aren't safe and we can't have defeat come our way." I said.

"Our boarders aren't safe and apparently neither are your trusted troops." She said.

I wanted to say something but I didn't know what. I glanced at her and puffed out some air. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

//Time Skip\\

F/N went to sleep. I snuck out and headed down to the cells. I passed the two soldier brothers, the turned soldiers. Fridthjof and Fridthof. Their names mean 'Peace-thief' but when they see you, there is no guarantee they will be peaceful. I stopped at the last cell and called my soldiers to come. Jake and Daniel volunteered to do the job. Jake entered the cell and locked it behind him. Patryk backed up and held his fists up. Jake dodged a swing by ducking and rolling. He jumped to his feet and grabbed Patryk's arms and held them behind his back. Daniel pulled a small gun off his belt. Patryk gasped when he looked at it.

"Here she is Red Leader. 3-KJL." Daniel examined the gun.

"Good job Daniel." I nod.

"What the 'ELL! Help! They are going to change me! Someone!" Patryk tried screaming.

"Ugh, I can't wait for you to pull the trigger." Jake rolled his eyes.

Daniel looked at me. I nodded to tell him to do it. He nodded back and lifted the gun. He aimed it at Patryk. He pulled the trigger and a beam of silver shot out from the barrel of the gun. It slipped through the bars and hit Patryk's chest. He screamed as silver smoke rose from his chest. Jake let go of his arms and Patryk fell to the ground.

"P-Paul." He whispered.

A few seconds flew by before he shot up.

"Patryk reporting for duty Sir." He saluted.

A smile crept across my face.

"Welcome back, Patryk."

--Your Pov--

You zipped up from the bed from a nightmare. You had dreamt everyone in the world disappeared and you were left alone to fend for yourself. When you sat up, you rubbed your head. You noticed that there was no warmth next to you in bed. You leaned off the bed and turned on the light. Tord wasn't in bed. You stood up and walked around. He wasn't anywhere in the room. You heard footsteps coming towards the door so you rushed back to bed. You switched off the light and pretended to be asleep. The doorknob turned and you heard someone walk in. Their heavy boots stomped the carpet under their feet. They closed the door and went into the bathroom. You guessed they were changing their clothes. Soon, they walked out and over to you. They put their cold hand on your forehead and moved some of your H/C hair off your face. You felt them kiss you and walk to the other side of the bed. They tried to get on the bed without making much noise. When you knew they were fully in the covers, you moved.

"What were you doing?" You ask, turning on the light.

Tord stayed silent for a moment, but then fake snored.

"Tord, I know you're awake. You just got back into bed." You turn around to him.

He sighs and turns to you.

"I was... doing... the... perimeter project." He said slowly.

"That's a big fat lie." You plainly say. "What were you really doing?"

"Ummm... regaining Patryk's honor and respect." He said.

You shrugged and pushed away any bad thoughts. Then an idea popped in your head and wouldn't go away.

"Hey, who was that guy you killed before you became leader? Virg? Vorg?" You guessed.

"Varg." He corrected. "His name means 'Wolf'."

"Yeah, him. Who was he? Did you know him? How did you know a soldier helped me when I went to the melee stations?" You unloaded three of your hundreds of questions.

"I may-or-may-not have went over there and had a talk to him." He admitted. "And yeah, I knew Varg, he was my father."

(Hold up, ayyye-aye. I will never let the plot twists stop! But seriously, I've been wanting to write this for Tord for over half a year now so I feel great knowing I actually did it now.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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