Chapter Twenty-Three

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--Your Pov--

You stepped completely out of the doorway and closed the door behind yourself. You went over to Tord's office-which was now your's. You found Patryk and Paul having a chat together, but when they saw you walk in, they stopped and saluted. You rose your hand to stop them as you headed over to the papers.

"How is the 'Perimeter Project'?" You ask, looking at some papers and signing some of them and ignoring the guns and other weapons that must have been Tord's that were laying on the desk.

"It hasn't really been started yet. We've been gathering our builder soldiers but we weren't ordered to start because of the most recent events." Paul said.

"Yeah? Well... I now order you to get the project started!" You barked. "And hurry because this base needs the protection."

Paul blasted out the doors when four others walked in. You rose a brow. They looked familiar but you didn't quite know their names.

"Who are you four?" You ask, looking at each of them.

"My name is Carl. To my right is Henry, to my left is Jake, and to Henry's right is Jacob. He wants to talk with you." Carl and the others walked out.

That left you and Jacob alone in the same room. He bowed and stayed like that when he talked.

"The old Red Leader has left us and word spread that he has left you in charge. True?" He looked up.

"Indeed." You nodded, wondering what he was getting at.

"But when I confronted him before he left... he told me to "Silence" when I was about to tell this British soldier that you were the new Red Leader. Why would that be?"

"Why would we want the enemy to know the base is not going to disband? Now that the old Red Leader is gone, the British think we are disbanding because they have our leader. But we aren't giving up. He left me in charge so I could continue this army and keep it safe. If we can stay hidden, we use it to our advantage, not the other way around." You answered firmly.

He straightened himself and nodded.

"Thank you for the answer, Red Leader." He turned and walked out the door.

Patryk, Jake, Carl, and Henry walked back in through the doors after Jacob left. You grabbed a small stack of papers and scanned over the words written across the white page. You looked up at Henry and pointed.

"Henry, how good at archery are you?" You quizzed, tilting your head slightly to the side.

"Before I came to the army, I used to bow hunt in North America. I never missed my target so I guess pretty good." He shrugged.

"Good. Do we have any bows or arrows?"


"We need some. Carl and Henry, go undercover and buy as many bows and arrows as possible. Make sure they are all possible colors of the forest. Go as innocent citizens, don't try to draw attention to yourselves when you buy the weapons." You ordered and turned your attention to Jake. "Make sure the shooting range can be used for bows and arrows. If not, then take out the targets and set them along the new wall." You then turned your attention to Patryk. "I need to talk with you. Everyone else dismissed." And with a wave of your hand, the other three left.

"What is it that you must say?" Patryk wearily questioned.

"I need to know about Fridthjof and Fridtjof. Their past. What they did before they turned. What they did to deserve their new life. You know, that stuff." You said.

"Alright. They were brothers that were posted snipers out in the forest. We have hidden spots out there but over time they became used less and less. The old Red Leader, um... your boyfriend was planning an experiment to make the wars for us easier. He wanted to inject us all with some kind of liquid that would give us all the ability to transform into monsters at will. But instead, we've only achieved them JUST turning into monsters and not being able to turn back. And the first two subjects were Fridtjof and Fridthjof. They volunteered because no one else would. We stopped the experiment after he left after defeating Varg in a battle to the death." Patryk explained.

"I want you to start it up again." You stated.

Patryk looked a bit scared as you said those words.

"R-really? Are you sure? Who will we test on?" He worried.

"Patryk, calm down. We will test on Fridthjof and Fridtjof." You responded.

"What? They were already tested on though. How would we test in them again?"

"Find a way to make them human again!" You snapped, making Patryk jump back.

You were getting a little inpatient.

'And Paul LOVED him? He's getting on my nerves with these questions.'

Patryk nodded and forced a weak smile. You waved your hand and he zoomed out the door. You leaned back in the chair Tord used to sit in. Your equal sized seat was to the right of his. You spun yourself around in the chair as you thought.

'I wonder where he is now. Probably the British Army but where the heck is that? Is he okey? I wonder if he's thinking about me. Maybe he's found another way to fix this problem and he freed himself and is on his way back. Maybe this is all a dream. What if he WANTED to leave.'

You didn't like that last thought so you pushed it aside and thought other thoughts.

'What if this is all just a big ol stupid prank or joke someone planned. If it is, not funny pal.'

You kicked your foot forward and hit a stack of papers that needed yet to be signed. It tilted dangerously to one side and threatened to tip and spill everywhere. You groaned and sighed. You frustratingly cross your arms and stand up. You leaned against a wall and felt a weird brick press on your back. You lifted off the bricks and turned around. You pushed it in but it went farther then it was supposed to. It went about five inches back and a doorway opened up beside you.

(Not surprised.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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