Chapter Twenty-Six

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--Your Pov--

"R. I. P.? What the heck? Are you trying to find a cure or kill the dang guys?" A third soldier joined in.

"I'm trying to find a cure, but since I actually haven't tested it, there is a 50:50 chance they could die." Drake answered, shrugging.

"Which one is it?" Patryk looked over at a work station.

"The blue violet one." Drake answered again.

The third soldier looked over at it and shot a look at Drake.

"It looks like you just squeezed the living H-E-L-L out of some blueberries and put the juice in a test tube and called it RIP-333. And why 333? Is that because you wanted to do triple six but you decided to do half of the number instead so it wasn't so obvious?" He theorized.

"Danny... shut up." Casey said.

"Yes, please do. No one wants to hear it." Patryk rolled his eyes. "But anyways, what did you do?"

Before Danny answered, he walked over and picked up his test tube.

"Only one. I have ALL my faith in it. It's name is HLP-669." He smiled as he set the pulsing yellow tube down.

"Pretty close to triple six if you ask me." Casey whispered to Drake.

"Ha. And the last two numbers. He wants to do something...." Drake whispered back, grinning.

Casey covered his mouth and held back a laugh.

"Oh, you dirty minded son of a critch." Casey whispered back, letting out a tiny laugh after.

Patryk looked up from the paper at the three.

"Alright. I will go inform Red Leader about our progress." Patryk nodded and headed towards the door.

You panicked and lost your grip on the doorway that you were using to help you not fall over. Your head pushed the door open and you fell into the room. Your head hit the cold, hard floor next to Patryk's foot. He dropped the clip board and rushed to your side. He had his hands near you but he didn't dare touch you.

"Red Leader! Are you okey!?" He panicked.

'I thought he would ask 'You were spying on us' or 'How long have you been there' or maybe even 'What are you doing here'. But no.'

You groaned as you reached for your head to rub it.

"I'm fine. Please, can you help me up?" You ask, feeling the painful spot on your head.

"Sure thing." Patryk grabbed you by your shoulders and pulled you up.

"Ow." You winced.

"You don't sound like you're fine." Patryk worried.

You heard Drake whisper to Casey, "Looks like Patryk has a girlfriend". Casey, Danny, and you shot a weirded out look at him.

'Is he serious?'

And you were pretty sure that's what the other two were thinking as well.

"Yeah? Well I am so please don't worry." You said as you pushed your hair back.

"Red Leader, you should get some rest. Especially after your fall. You look tired." Patryk opened the door for you to walk through.

You sighed and walked through the door with Patryk.

"Only because I didn't want to leave you holding the door open for no one."

//Time Skip\\

You stood in the middle of blackness. There was no noise. There was no color. There were no smells, nothing. You twisted your head but only black consumed your vision.

"Hello?" You yelled and started to walk forward.

You didn't know where you were going, so little did you know that there would be holes in the ground. You took a step forward and you fell into the hole. You opened your mouth to scream but the wind wiping past stole the sound. You closed your eyes and curled up into a ball, you waited for the impact. But, it never came like you expected it to. Something soft appeared under you and set you down onto the ground. You uncurled from the ball you formed and opened your eyes. There was a glowing white outline of a figure. You strained your neck to get a better look.

"Red Leader, F/N L/N. Stand." They ordered.

You rose a brow but did as you were told.

"I am Red Leader, Varg." He introduced himself.

Your eyes widened.

"B-but. H-how? I thought Tord killed you." You ask, checking your memories to make sure Tord said that he did indeed kill his father.

"Ah... my son. Red Leader, Tord. That rear end of a donkey. He did kill me. And I'd still be alive if he didn't." He stopped for a moment. "And since I'm dead, I can visit people's dreams to send them messages. Like now for instance."

"So, what's so important?" You quiz.

"Well, I've been watching your work as Red Leader so far and I'm quite proud. But, I need to tell you this." He leaned towards you. "For the cure for Fridthjof and Fridtjof, you need to choose-"

He was cut off by the ground starting to shake violently. Black masses fell from the sky and wind blew you around.

"Oh no! I'm running out of time!" He panicked.

"What's going on!?" You wondered, trying to stay standing.

"You're waking up!" He jumped onto the ground level you were standing on.

He tried to grab your shoulders but his hands were batted back.

"Alright! You need to remember this dream when you wake up!" He yelled over the strong winds. "I need you to choose TST-1-"

You fell to your knees before he could finish.

You shot up from the pillow. You hugged the covers and looked around the room. You sighed and rubbed your head some more.

'Only a dream. Only a-wait. I needed to remember something!'

You jump out of bed and pace around the room.

'Oh crap... oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. What was it?'

You wanted to hit your head but you knew that it wouldn't work. Then you remembered.

"TST-1... he didn't finish!" You fell to your knees and rest your head on the end of the bed. "Crammit."

(I need to sleep! I need to stop! I need to stop this! But yet again, I can't wait to see my boyfriend tomorrow. Which means I should have gone to sleep because that make the night fly by. But I wouldn't be able to sleep without writing this so I had to. I hate myself.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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