Chapter Twenty-Four

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--Your Pov--

You stepped back as the doorway opened up.

'Does Tord know about this? Pft... of course he does. It's his base.'

You walked into the room and looked around. There were guns hung on the walls and settled on shelves and some were held in glass cases. You spotted some empty areas where some guns were missing. You looked back at the guns on the desk.

'They look like they would fit in here.'

You walked over and carried each gun into the hidden room. You found the spots for each of them quickly and you closed the room. The brick had bounced back to its weird poking out state so all you had to do was push it back again.

'Good to know that is there.'

You sat down in the chair and grabbed another small stack of papers. You picked the sharp pencil out of the cup and held it near the paper. You scanned over the words and frowned.

"Bad idea." You said to yourself as you crossed out the signature line and set the paper aside in the pile of 'Vetoed Papers'.

You pulled off another paper from the stack and started to read it.

--Tord's Pov--

I fluttered my eyes open and slowly lifted my heavy head.

'What happened? Was I knocked out?'

I couldn't see anything but darkness. I turned my head frantically but no matter what, I couldn't see. I tried to lift my arms to feel around but something held them to my body. I kicked my feet but they didn't move far. Something was holding them to something under me. I realized that I was sitting down. It was silent. Too silent.

"Hello? Håvard? What's going on? Did you knock me out?" I asked through the darkness.

There were quiet taps on the ground, each a second apart from each other. Before I could think about who it could be, a blinding light shone in my face.

"Ah!" I squeezed my eyes shut tight and faced away from the light.

"Red Leader? What is your real name?" The female voice ordered.

"I would never answer that question for the enemy." I snapped, still keeping my eyes shut and facing away. "What's going on?"

"Håvard brought you here and we knocked you out. You're at the British Army base." She answered. "And we've been looking for you for EVER."

I opened my eyes and turned my head to her. She was sitting in a chair next to the light. She smiled at me and licked her lips. I frowned and gave her a disgusted look.

'Don't tell me she's thinking what I'm thinking.'

She stood up and walked over to me. She bent down and rested her hands on my knees.

"Say? Why don't we talk? Just you and me." The lady leaned close to my face.

I growled and turned my head.

"No." I said, not making eye contact.

"Aww, why not Red Leader? All I'm asking of you are answers." She wined, tilting her head.

"I don't care what you want. I'm not giving you the answers." I growled. "Now, leave me alone."

She smirked and crawled onto my lap. I felt my face flush bright red as she grabbed my face and turned it to her's.

"Stop it!" I barked, embarrassed. "G-get off!"

"Aww. But you're adorable." She smiled evilly. "I just wanna keep you forever."

"W-well you can't. And you won't." I firmly said, my face cooling down.

"Why not?" She returned, resting her forehead on mine.


"'Because' is not a reason."

"Because I have a fiancé!" I blurted.

She widened her eyes and leaned away. I puffed out some air as she climbed off of me. The door behind her opened and Håvard walked in.

"Tess, you may leave." Tess turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind herself. "You have a fiancé?"

"Yes." I lowered my head.

"Who?" He ordered.

"Classified." I said.

He stood over me and pulled a knife out of his holster on his thigh. He held the knife to my left cheek.

"I'm gonna ask again. Who is it?" He asked.

"Top secret." I answered.

He pressed the blade against my cheek. Almost enough to cut me.

"Last chance." He started to poke the point of the blade to my cheek.

I kept my mouth shut. He growled deep in his throat as he jerked the blade. I winced and screamed. I felt the drops of blood travel down from the cut. Håvard waved the knife in front of my eyes. With a wicked smile.

"You caused that yourself." He said. "I'll leave you alone to think for a bit longer. Chow."

I breathed in deeply before I called his name.

"Wait, Håvard! Why do you want answers from me if the Red Army is disbanding?" I asked.

"Because I know they aren't. And if you answer my questions, we won't go attack the base. But now that you've avoided our questions, you only endangered your base even more. And all we wanted were our soldiers back." He shook his head. "Bad choice."

I opened my mouth but I didn't speak.

"That's what I thought. Oh, I almost forgot!" He walked over to the light and grabbed the switch. "I can't let you see anyway out while you're alone. Just in case." He pulled down the switch and all I saw was blackness again. "Goodbye. See you tomorrow."

"No! Håvard! You son of a Frucker!"

--Your Pov--

You laid in bed, starring at the dark ceiling. You spend the last day signing papers and getting the Red Army base sorted the way you know Tord would want. It's almost been two days since he gave himself over and you found yourself almost starting to cut again. You looked over into the bathroom, where you knew there would be things for cutting, but you remembered that it wasn't what Tord would want. You zipped your vision back to the dark ceiling.

'No. Don't do it. Everything will be alright, you have this all planned out.'

You closed your eyes and breathed out, wishing Tord was right there, beside you.

'I'll get him back.'

(What are you planning? What's going to happen? How will Tord warn you of the dangers that may still be lurking? Find out by reading the rest of this modern day dictionary long book!

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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