Chapter Thirty-Two

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--Your Pov--

"Hands off!" You ripped your arm free from his grip.

He glared at you as you went towards James.

"Let him go." You try to reason with James.

"I'd rather not." James shrugged, throwing a punch at you.

You ducked and grabbed his fist. You pulled it behind him and bent him over. Then you pulled out your gun and pressed it on the back of his head.

"Move and I shoot!" You warn. "Release Tord and we'll leave!"

"Hmmm.... Alright." He snapped his fingers and the woman named Tess brought him down.

She laid Tord in front of you and you dropped the gun. James ran over to the leader and breathed heavily. Your breathing hitched as Tord laid on the ground, bleeding badly. You lifted up his head.

"Tord...." You start to cry.

"F/N... I'll be fine. But I want you to run." Tord ordered.

"No." You firmly said. "We're getting out of here... with everyone."

"Just shoot her." The leader ordered James.

"It'd be my pleaser." He pulled out his gun. "Goodbye. Hope you learned to not trust any loyal British soldiers... but even if you did, it's not like it would be helpful now anyways."

You pulled Tord close to you and shut your eyes, waiting for the gunfire.

"James! You won't hurt her!" You opened your eyes and looked up.

James was tackled by someone. When they stopped rolling, you could tell that it was your brother on top, fighting for you.

"Justin!" You scream.

"The traitor!" The leader walked over to him, grabbing his shoulders.

He pulled him off of James and slammed him to the ground. You watched as he kicked Justin's side and pulled him up to his face.

"Garbage." The leader threw him back down.

He waited for a second before pulling him back up and setting him on his knees. The door behind you slammed open as Squad 1 and Squad 2 entered the room with blood covered faces, some of it being their own. Then without warning, it was like a bell started to ring in your ears. Your heart sank as everyone watched, motionlessly. The leader had pulled the trigger on Justin. The bullet entered the back of his skull, then exited through his left eye. Blood splattered all across the floor in front of him. Justin didn't scream but fell forward onto the floor. He tried to crawl away, but the evil man stepped on his back and shot two more bullets into his skull. It all happened so fast....


He dropped his gun and walked behind you with James and Tess.

You could feel everyone looking at you....

"Kill them...." You whisper.

They all followed your orders and started to attack them. You helped Tord stand up and walk over to Justin. He lifted him up.

"F-F/N." He gurgled. "If there's anything... a-anyone I want you to-to be wi-with-" He shakily pointed at Tord. "Take care of h-her man... or I'll haunt you in your drea-ms."

Justin gave a weak smile before closing what he had left of eyes. He breathed out but never back in. His arm fell to the ground... never to be moved by himself again. Tord wrapped his arms around you and held you there as you heard the screams of Tess die out.

'They are gonna die... they brought it upon themselves.'

You pushed yourself up and helped Tord walk. They injured his legs badly. Tess laid in a dark red pool of blood, but you didn't feel bad about it. There were no bodies of the leader or of James. The fight had been taken elsewhere. You turned the corner and exited the building, seeing the whole British Army being taken down by your 50 soldiers. A smile creeped onto your face. Fridthjof ran over to you and helped you with Tord.

"Fridthjof!?" Tord sounded surprised.

"Yes. It's me." He looked away. "He needs to get back quickly. I'll take him."

"We'll take him." You retort.

He stayed quiet for a moment.

"Okay." Both you and Fridthjof help Tord out of the base as soldiers fought left and right.

Even though your army was out numbered, that was quickly changing. You had chosen the best of the best. Paul and Patryk followed you to the gate, but stayed to fight some more. The death became more and more distant as you went farther into the forest to the Red Army base. Tord breathed more heavily as you traveled more.

"He's losing too much blood. He's gonna bleed out." Fridthjof frowned.

"I'm not gonna let him." You pick up the pace.

Fridthjof matched your speed.

"There it is! I can see the opening to the Red Army-" Fridthjof stopped. "Oh no."

"We're back!" Two people jumped down from the trees in front of you.

"You killed all my men. So I thought that we'd kill all your men as well." The leader smiled evilly as blood dropped off his lip.

"How? It's you two against the rest of our Army." You question.

"No!" Tord hollered.

"'No' what? You know?" James smirked as blood leaked out of a slice that went across his nose, and pulling a button out of his pocket.

"A bomb?" Fridthjof guessed.

"Bombs." He nodded. "Surrender to us."

Both you and Fridthjof glanced at each other.

"I'll take care of this, you get him to a medical room." Fridthjof whispered.

"But they'll blow the whole place up and KILL you." You responded. "How could this possibly work out?"

"Just trust me." He looked into your E/C eyes.

Tord looked at you with his bloody face and nodded.

"He's a good soldier, he'll help us out." He whispered.

You breathed out and nodded to Fridthjof. He let go of Tord and walked up to James and his leader.

"I surrender." He rose his arms.

'Oh wow, what a plan.'

Then it took a turn for the better.

"To no one." He knocked the button out of James's hand and threw it to the ground and stomped on it, breaking it into useless pieces.

Fridthjof turned around and was knocked to the ground. A bruise started to form on his cheek. He growled as he picked himself back up.

"Do that again if you feel so lucky." He teased, making himself an easy target.

The leader did it again, sending Fridthjof to the cool grass again.

'Wow... our hero.'

You rolled your eyes and started to sneak away with Tord. Then, you heard a roar of anger. You turned around to look... and saw Fridthjof as his monster.

(Two chapters today for you guys. It would have been done earlier but I had to go to Conformation.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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