Chapter Eleven

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--Your Pov--

By now, it was the next day. You woke up when Tord did this time and dressed.

"Hey F/N, you don't have to order my troops if you don't want to. You showed me that you could do that just great when Paul was shot." Tord said as he walked out the door with you.

"Thank you." You say as a smile came across your face.

The soldiers that were still up last night, apparently cleaned up everything overnight.

"I'm free to do whatever today. The base looks quite well at the moment. What do you want to do today?" He asked.

"We should check up on Paul and my brother."

He nodded and you both traveled over to the place they were held in. Paul was being held in a room labeled E-34. You stepped in and spotted Patryk and Paul. But they were... doing something.

"YOU TWO ARE GAY!?" You accidentally shout.

Paul and Patryk pull away from each other and their faces turn red from embarrassment. Tord popped his head around the doorway corner.

"What!?" He yelled.

"S-sir! We can explain!" Paul panicked, pushing Patryk aside.

"Yeah, you can. You can explain to me when you both became gay." Tord stood beside you and crossed his arms.

"Erm... uhm...." Paul stopped.

"When exactly, did you two start doing this?" Tord quizzed.

Patryk and Paul glanced at each other. They stared at their feet without saying a word.

"No answer? Well then, I guess you will be on night watch for the rest of your lives. Or!" Tord smiled evilly. "You two will be separated. Yeah, the second one sounds better." He nodded.

"Alright! Fine!" Patryk spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention. "This all started about a year ago."

"When I killed Varg!?" Tord shouted. "Oh, so that explains his last words." He mumbled.

"Why, what were they?" You ask.

Tord sighed heavily and rubbed his face before answering.

"His last words were, and this is word for word, 'let's see how long you can keep those two gays away from each other.' I WAS a little weirded out by the choice of words but I pushed it aside and killed him anyways." Tord shrugged. "He loved making people miserable and feel worthless for no reason."

"So does that mean we can stay tog-" Patryk started.

"Ha-ha! No!" Tord laughed. "He wanted me to keep gays out of the army but you two are too good to leave so you're NOT going to leave."

You stood awkwardly in the corner.

'In the bar, when I was talking to Patryk, I could have sworn he liked me. Maybe he's just a REALLY nice guy or something.'

You pushed the thought aside. Patryk and Paul held hands as Tord inched closer.

"You both have a choice." He said. "You can break up, or never see each other again. Because believe me when I say, there are HUNDREDS of soldiers that are willing to follow my orders no matter what they are." He threatened.

Paul and Patryk stared at each other sadly for a short moment.

"I don't like either of those." Patryk leaned his head on Paul's shoulder.

"Shh." Paul patted Patryk's head. "Sir, can we think about?"

Tord grumbled and backed off.

"Fine, you have until 13 hundred hours." He growled.

You followed Tord out the door.

"I don't want to seem like an idiot but, what is 13 hundred hours?" You whisper.

"In your time, it's just 1 o'clock." He answered.

"Oh, right." You smacked your head.

You and Tord went over to a room labeled C-99. Your brother was inside with his crutch next to him.

"You should be able to walk without limping now, Justin." You crossed your fingers, hoping that he was alright, even though he hurt your feelings and ended up making you cut and disrespected your choices.

He looked down at the ground and slowly slid off the stone slab. As his feet touched the ground, pressure was applied to them. He looked like he was ready to deal with the pain that might still be there, but when he had his full weight on his feet, he smiled.

"Yeah, I think..." He started to walk around the room. "... I'm all better already! Everything here works so fast!" He smiled. "It would have taken at most a full week until this healed back in the British army."

"Yep, we use special ingredients in our medicine." Tord smiled. "It seems you are getting used to this place quicker than you thought."

"You know, I hate admitting this but, yeah, I really am." Justin sighed. "Alright, I'll see you later. I'm gonna go practice at the melee stations, bye."

Justin waved as you and Tord waved back. Tord looked at his watch.

"Time sure does fly fast. It's 13 hund-er-1 o'clock." He corrected himself.

"You didn't need to do that, I got it." Your bump his arm. "How is it already that time anyways?"

"We did wake up late today, remember? I'm always up before you by like... 3? 4? Sometimes 5 hours." He shrugged as you both walked back down to room E-34.

You burst in with your eyes covered.

"Are you two kissing again?" You ask.

"No." Patryk said sadly.

You uncovered your eyes as Tord walked in. He held his hands behind himself.

"Report, what was your decision?" Tord ordered.

"We... chose to break up." Paul sighed.

Tord seemed to half smile and half frown.

"Alright. Run off now." He pointed out the door.

They both slowly walked towards the door together. When Paul was outside the door and Patryk was still inside the room, Tord stopped Patryk from passing.

"Not together!" He leaned down to Patryk. "I don't understand you."

It looked like Patryk was shrinking into the ground.

"F/N, can you take Paul to..." He thought for a moment. "... where your brother went and tell the soldier that helped you that one day, to keep him away from Patryk?"

You nod and start pushing Paul to the exit of the building.

'Wait... how did he know that a soldier helped me?'

(Okey YOU may know, but you don't know. By the way, you thought that I was going to make it so Patryk had a small crush on you? Ha-no! I lead you down the wrong path! Don't believe EVERYTHING! Okey, believe some stuff but not everything. Sorry if this made you feel bad or something like that, just adding conflict to the story. TOMORROW IS PIE DAY! YAAAS! PIIIE!

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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