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Arin Pov

The next day, i woke up and get ready for school. After finished doing my routine, i went to the kitchen for breakfast. Soon i finished my breakfast, i grab my bag and went to school. On my way there Seunghee approach me."Hey~" i smiled at her.
"what's wrong?" i shook my head kept looking down on the streets."are you thinking about the love letter?" i was shocked and quickly lift my head and looked at her "how-" she cut me off"yup.. i know it" i was speechless

We arrived at school and went to my locker. I was getting my books out then something fell on the ground. I looked at it. Another letter? I picked it up and put it in my pocket. "another letter" i was shocked and jumped a little "you scared me" she giggled "from who?" i shook my head. "let's read it" i looked around "not here" then i closed my locker's door and we walk towards our class. As i entered the first person i saw is Jimin.

I ignored him and sat on my table. I took out my book and waited for the teacher to come in. I can feel that someone was staring at me. I can't take it anymore so i turned around to see who it was. Then someone caught my eye..could it be? Jimin?. I turned around again and try to ignored it.

The morning lesson didn't end well for me. Every time i felt like someone was staring at me. I quickly went out the class and finally i could breathe again. Then Seunghee came.
"let's go"
I just nodded and followed her to the cafeteria. Soon we got our lunch we sat at the empty places. I looked around and took out the letter
She nods and i opened it.

Dear Arin,

Maybe you thinks this is creepy but for me it is normal. Giving love letter to your crush and your crush reads it. And made them happy. Don't you think? Well..i just hope we can be friends. I know it sounds a bit weird but we can try? You don't have to know who am i because i'm your "SCERET" admirer after all..bye~

Your secret admirer

I fold it and put it back in the envelope. "wow..this is mysterious".
I was curious. I wonder who gave it to me." i really want to know who gave it to me.." and what makes them more mysterious is there handwritting. They are so different. I quickly took out the other letter and compare them. I couldn't believe my eyes. It is different!(should i change the title into Mysterious Admirer?)
"Seunghee look! It has different handwritting from the same person!"
Her eyes widened and looked at the letter. "you're right!" i'm getting goosebumps now.

The school ended and we are on the way heading back home. I wasn't paying attention to where am i going because i was still thinking of the letter. How could it be? Same person different writing?" then suddenly i bumped someone

"Sorry!!" i apologizes and quickly look who it is. I can't see his face because he was facing down. "it's okay" then he lift his head "Jungkook!!". I smiled so did he. "'s nice to see you again tho"."me too.." i chuckled i don't know maybe i'm excited to meet him again. "Let's grabbed something..shall we?" i nodded and followed him to a café. We ordered ourselves a drink and we waited.
"How are you?"
"same like always"
"where are you headed to?"
"Studio..i want to practice some new moves.."
My eyes widened
"i didn't knew you can dance.."
"you never ask"
"will you show it to me sometime?"
"of course!"
We were having a fun time. Jungkook was a cute and funny person. It was getting late so we decide to see each other tomorrow.

"Tommorow?" i nodded and wave him goodbye. I walk back home. Soon i arrived, i went to my room and took a nice and relaxing shower.Then i wear my pyjama and instantly went to sleep since i was so tired. Not long i woke up because the sound of the door opened. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my door. I couldn't see clearly because it was dark. I guess i was dreaming.. I went back to sleep.

The next morning i woke up and i realise that i was a bit late. So i took a quick shower than headed to the kitchen soon when i'm ready. I was surprised to see the dining table was served with egg and sausage. Who cook this? I thought but i ignored and ate it.
"Honey!!" i heard a familiar voice and turned to find the owner of it. "Mom?!" i went to her and hugged her so tight. "I missed you mom!". She hugged me back "me too darling". I looked up to her while still in the hug "where's dad?". She broke the hug and  cuped my cheeks "he went for work".
"well i better get going..i'm pretty late tho"

I walk toward my school and didn't care about how late i was because i planned to skip the first lesson math. Yes i hate math until now. Not because it was hard but it was because the teacher. She makes me want to sleep. I arrived at school and went to the rooftop to get fresh air. I enjoyed the view until the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and went to my class.

"Arin!" seunghee called me
"Why are you late?"
"I...i uhh..helped somebody just now..and overslept"
I nodded and went to my seat.
"okay...i have so many to tell you!"
"so..did you receive the love letter again?"
"i don't know..i didn't open my locker yet..i'll check."



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