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Arin Pov

It was lunch time so i went to my locker. Like i expected a letter. I took it and put it in my pocket. I went to the canteen and bought some lunch. I saw Seunghee so i went near her.
"so what?"
"the letter? Is it there?"
"let's read it."
I looked around and took out the letter. We read it.

Dear Arin,

If you don't mind, can you..write back something to me? I'm sorry for the weird request and if you don't mind me doing this everyday...don't you? And keep all the letter that i give it to you..why? Maybe it would remind you of me. Hehe...anyways..the exam is around the corner so GoodLuck and don't forget to study! Stay health and When the time comes.. I want to meet you..

Your secret admirer

After reading it, i fold it and put it back in my pocket. Without i noticed i was smiling.
"why are you smiling?"
I looked at her
She nodded. I just ignored her and eat my lunch.

The time goes by so slow and finally it's time to go home. In my way home, someone called my name i turn around and sae jungkook waving at me while smiling then he ran to me.
"Wanna go out?"
"Amusement Park"
I just nodded because i have nothing to do at home. I know i just met him but whenever i'm around him i felt comfortable.

We played fun things there. He wants to try the roller coaster. I gulped because i afraid of height and because of that i'm short (No hurt feeling guys ;)) he plead and i gave up on his cute and childish action. We got on it and my heart races faster. I can't believe i'm doing this because of him. The roller coaster started and it didn't end well for me. I felt dizzy and i sat on the bench. I can tell he was worried because he was pannoicking. "Jungkook"

He looked at me
"i'm sorry Arin..."
"it's okay.."
"let me make it up to you"
Something came out from my mind and i smirk
"okay then, can you buy some ice cream, cotton candy and chocolate? That really helps me a lot" i winked at him.
"fine.."i laughed and he left me there. Someone approach me.
"Hey..long time no see..Arin" i looked up and it was Minhyuk. My eyes widened. "Min..Minhyuk?" he smirks and sat beside me.
"How are you?"
"did you come alone here?"
I was still in shocked and i didn't notice Jungkook was there too.
"Arin..who is this?" Jungkook asked me in curiosity.
"This is..." Minhyuk cut me off
"I'm her ex boyfriend. I'm Minhyuk"
"i'm Jungkook"
"Well Arin..See you around" He left with goodbye. Jungkook sat beside me. " Your Ex Boyfriend?" i nodded and he handed me the ice cream.
"Thank You"
"Are you still dizzy? Should i send you home?"
"No..i want to finish this first..let's have a little walk?"
He nodded and we went to a Park which near my house.
"Can you tell me how did you broke up?"
"You want to know?"
He nods "it's okay if you don't want to tell me.. I just curious that how can he let you go? i're beautiful and kind" i blush hard "Well we broke up because.."


Minhyuk turned around and smiled at me
"yes jagi?"
"why did you wanted to see me?"
His smiles went down and looked down on his feet. I was curious but in the same time i really want to know because i have a bad feeling about this meeting.
"let's broke up"
I was shocked by his word. I can't accept it so i asked if i was misheard
"let's broke up"
My tears began to fell from my eyes to the ground. I couldn't believe it.
"stop joking around"
He looked at me
"i'm not..Arin.."
Then someone came near us. She went near Minhyuk and hugged his arm
"oppa..who is this? Why is she crying?"
Oppa? He cheated on me. I wanted to slapped him i couldn't. I didn't have the strength yet.
"Fine then..i hope you too will happy until my last breath..don't you ever show your face infront of me again!!"
Then i ran away while crying. My vision was blurry because of my tears. It went down non stop. I cried until i arrived home. I Locked myself in my room and cried for maybe 2 Weeks? Than i decide to open a new chapter of my life. Luckily my parents wanted to move. It was my chance to get over and start moving on.


"I'm sorry to hear that.."
"it's was and old history of mine in love" he chuckled and we arrived at my house.
"thank you for company me home"
"and thank you for spending time with me" he smiled and left. I went inside and my mother called me.
"Arin you're back and it's 8 o'clock"
"really? I'm sorry..i was hanging out with my friend"
"'s our fault too leave you too long and now.."
I sigh and "mom..i didn't went anywhere..just to the amusement park" she smiled "go and take a bath. Then come down for dinner" i ran upstairs and lay on my bed. "It's only's still early tho" i sigh and went to the bathroom. I took a nice and relaxing bath.

The dinner was quite because we don't have a topic to talk about.
"So how's school?"
I answer immediately and it went silent again.
"Honey..we are so sorry for leaving you alone for 3 months."
"it's fine"
"please forgive us"
"i already forgive you..if you excuse me i have a homework to do" i stood up and put my plate in the sink. "i'll wash it" my mother said and  i nod then went upstairs.

Mr.Soo POV

I watch her walking upstairs. I let out a sigh in frustration "i think she still mad at us". My wife look at me with worried face "what should we do?" she asked me. I was thinking of something to made it up to her. Then i got a brilliant idea popped out in my head "What if this holiday, we take her with us on a holiday..Family holiday?" she smiled "But where?". "do you know she wanted to visit somewhere?" she shook her head. "i'll think of something then."

Arin POV

After i finished my homework, i layed on my bed. Then i remembered about the letter. He wants me to keep the letter? I took out the three letter and put it in my box of memories. (hehe). I kept the box under my bed then i stared at the ceiling. Different writing but same person? I thought about it until i went to sleep.



Another long Part huh? Did you like it? Well if you wanted to know where did Arin parents went after all 3 month. Then keep reading! Sorry for the wrong grammar and vocabs. See you whee~~

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