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Arin Pov

My eyes widened as she mentioned Jungkook as her crush.
"Are you serious?! Since when?"
"Since he ask me to hang out"
"What? When..why didn't i know?"
"Cause you weren't there.."
"No..what i meant was...When"
"Remembered when Jimin and his friends lunch with us in school?"
"After school he ask me to hang with him and it was freakin awesome!!"


I chuckled at her attitude. I stopped when something came up to my mind.

"i got something to tell you"
"This morning..i went to my locker and saw someone slipping something in--"
"Talking about this morning, lately you didn't walked with us. Twice!"
"I just want to arrived early that's all"
"You sure?"
She grinned
"Yeah..anyways back to the story..when i opened my locker and saw a letter. I opened and it was my secret Admirer's letter!"
"What?! no fucking way!"
"I know right!!"
"Did you saw his face?"

We ate our lunch after bought it. Something caught my attention. Jimin,Nahwi and Shinryu. What a good drama. I didn't noticed that Seunghee was calling for me. She snapped her fingers and get me back.

"Aren't you listening?"
"Watching a drama just now"
"What kind of Drama?"
"Fighting over My crush" i said sarcastically
"What are you talking about"
"That" while pointing at them. She turned and she was shocked.
"You're right..we should enjoyed this"
We both stare at it until they walked away or End it.

"That was great"
"I know right..and Jimin was like No..i'm not interest in you" i make my voice like him and we were laughing
"And who the f*cked are you to called me your boyfriend" She said while doing some action like Jimin. We stopped until we heard a familiar voice.
"Having fun?" we both turned and saw Jimin standing beside us while crossing his arm against his chest. We smiled awkwardly
"Sorry" we both said in the same time. He scoffed and left us.
"Wow..he is very not in the mood today" She said while continue eating.
"Jungkook!" i yelled his named and made Jungkook's fans turned to the direction i wad waving.
I quietly leave the cafeteria.

I laughed and didn't notice i was going to bumped someone.

"Watched where you're going next time" that voice sound familiar and quickly looked up and like i was expected. Mr. jeon Jungkook.
"Hehe" he shook his head and ruffled my hair. He walk passed me and i went to the rooftop.

There was nobody and i take out the letter.

Dear Arin,

I'm really happy that you lately replied my letter and it makes me want to com front to you and let all my feelings. But it was hard if i think again. Well i am i shy person. I never knew when this feeling will stop growing but it has to. I just can't find the right time to confess yet. Please wait for me until i am ready and hope you are ready to.

Your Secret Admirer

I fold and my heart began to beat so fast. 'shit this person made me felt so impatient!' i bit my lower lips and start to smile like and idiot. I didn't noticed that there were someone else.
I turned and found Jimin who is enjoying the view. I walked near him. He notice my presence and glance at me. I smiled innocently and he chuckled.

"Why are you smiling?"
"Yeahh sure right"
"It's none of your business"
"How's the fight?"
"I really don't want to think about it"
"Isn't it weird to you"
"What do you mean"
"That your ex moved here just to get you back?"
"Well..i don't know but i'm sure that i'm over her"
"you mean that you like someone else"
'what the heck?! Why am i asking him these question?!' i felt my face is getting hot and tried to hid it

"Of course"
"let it be me who only know this" he smiled at me and i glance at him.

The school bell rings. I was headed to the stairs but i stopped my step and turned to him

"Are you coming?"
"You go ahead"

I left him alone and went to class. I was Seunghee alone siting so i went near her.

"Yah! Why did you lied then left me alone?!"
"Where were you anyway?"
"Rooftop reading letter"
"Nothing.." she grinned at me and i rolled my eyes.

The afternoon lesson started and on the last lesson was English. It ended soon the bell rings. I packed my stuff and the teacher called me

"Yes Madam?"
"Can you help me carry those books to my table"
"Sure" i asked seunghee to head home first while i'm helping her.
I lifted the books and went to her office. I place it one the table and then i was about to leave but she asked me to do something

"Arin can you helped me to check if someone who hasn't passed their books and if you found them just write their names on this paper" she showed me a blank A4 paper and put it near me.
"Of course"
"Am i holding you back? If you needed to go home earlier cause of something urgent then you can go. I'll do it"
"No no...i'm fine."
"You sure?"
"Yes and i'm insist to help you"
"Thank you so much..i'll be in the washroom and if you done you may leave"
"Okay" with that she left me alone in her office. I started to do my worked and Jimin's book caught my eye. I felt so anxious to know who's his handwriting so i opened it. It was beautiful, neat and very familiar. I don't remembered where i saw it and i started to turned to next page. It was different this time but still neat and beautiful. I was shocked and it remind me of my admirer's letter. I continue my job and left his book aside. I want to borrow his book for awhile to compare them.

I waited for the teacher to came and she did.

"Are you done?"
"Yes and can i borrow one of this book?"
"I...I uhh...I remembered that i..i didn't  have chance to write all of the question on the whiteboard so i want to copied them.."
"Ouh..okay..make sure you bring it tomorrow"
"No problem and thank you"

I started to walked faster and went home. I really felt anxious about these handwriting. After i arrived, i rushed to my room and took out the letters. I opened them one by one and compared them. My eyed widened

"Holy mother of ducks! They are the same!!!" i was freakin surprised and didn't stop looking at them if i was imagining. But the result was still the same. I sat on my bed.

'This is so surprising first He was staring then he said he liked me twice infront of Nahwi and then this?! Why didn't i noticed this in the first place? Of course i can't because it was so impossible it would be him...'

I slapped my face if i was dreaming. Instead i got pain and my cheeks is burning.

'Shy person? But what i see is he is totally opposite of it'



Finally this is almost end. I want to publish another book which i called it "The 1 Month Princess+JJK" I'll put the detail in this book maybe a teaser. Another book of Park Jimin will be released too "One Side Love" and "My Romantic Husband" I hope you guys looked forward to read it. Anyways see yaa wheeee~ (•ω•)

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