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Arin Pov

I woke up by the  sound of my alarm. I looked at the time and it was 0700. My eyes widened and rushed to bathroom.

'why didn't my mother woke me up? Aishh!!'

After taking a quick shower, i did my routine quickly and rushed downstairs for breakfast but i have no time so i grabbed a piece of bread and went run to school after putting on my shoes.

On my way there i saw a familiar figure. I was surprised it was Jimin. He looks so relaxed even tho he was late. I shook my head and ignore him. I rush to school and soon i arrived, i went to my locker with hope that my admirer would give me something but turns out nothing.

I shrugged and took my books then off to my class. As i walk in, the room went silent and eyes on me. I looked at the teacher's face try to avoid any eye contact with my classmates.

"You are late Miss Soo"
"I know and I'm sorry this will be the last time" i smiled and she let out a sigh.
"Go to your seat now"
"Thank you Ma'am" i quickly walk to my seat beside Seunghee.

"Why are you late?" Seunghee ask before i could pull my chair and sat. I looked at her.
"Overslept sorry"
The morning lesson started. I was waiting for Jimin's presence but it seems like he wasn't coming.

The bell rang and it time for recess. I walk towards my locker after convince Seunghee to go first. I was about to opened the locker but someone stopped me.

"Arin" i turned and it was Nahwi
"Have you seen Jimin"
"Yes this morning but after that i don't know where he went. Why?"
"Nothing thank you btw"
"No prob"

She left and i turned to my locker. Soon i opened it, i saw a little box of milk with a sticky note. I frowned and took it

Arin, i don't know what flavour you like so i bought 3. I know you must be asking where are the two of them? Well i'll put it in your locker. Check it out afterschool okay?. Bye Crush love you

I smiled and took it. I can feel butterflies in my stomach are dancing. I walk happily to the cafeteria and bought my meal. I search for seunghee and found her. I walk towards her direction and sat next to her. She was probably asking what's wrong with me.

"What happen?"
"Yeah sure"
"Believe me not it's your choice"

I winked at her and she shows a disgusted face. I laughed at her action. Out of nowhere Taehyung and Jungkook appeared infront of us.

"Arin!"Taehyung called me
"Have you seen Jimin?"
"Yes, this morning"
"Where did he went?"
"I don't know. He was going opposite way when i saw him"
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Thank you anyway" before i could say you're welcome they had left.

"What was that all about?"
"Idk" we ignored them and continue with the food. Soon, the bell rang and we off to our class. Still no sign of him. Everybody starts to worried about him made me felt curious. It even made me can't pay attention to the lesson. I kept thinking about Jimin. I saw him this morning and i noticed that he didn't wear school uniform. He must be gone somewhere. Why should i care anyway?

The second lesson ended so is the school. I went to my locker and there it was. Like my admirer's said there will be 2 more box of milk with sticky notes and a letter. I took it and read it.

Dear Arin,

This will be my last letter for you. I also founded my strength to see you. Well i guess you've notice that infront of your eyes you have 2 box of milk with different flavour and that is Chocolate and Strawberry. I also put a sticky note on them and written 'Yes' and 'No'. Follow my direction carefully okay? You have to answer my question then you should left your answer with the milk in your locker. Bring the milk you chosen at the Park after school that means right now. Here's the question

Will you be my girlfriend and accept all my weakness and speciality?

I hope your answer will satisfied me :)

Your Secret Admirer

After reading the letter and think about it. I finally made my decision. I did like it said and left my locker with smiled on my face. I kept looking on the answer with happiness in me and my heart start pounding faster. I was really nervous to meet him. Even tho i got the clue who he was, but i'm still not sure wether its him or not. It could be anyone or he could be the writer that my secret admirer ask him to write the letter for me so his secret won't be out easily.

But won't that be weird? Him? Writing the letter for someone else's crush? It would be out easily then. I start to think and imagining things. But he didn't come to school today and next week is the exam week. Screw that then.

After i arrived, i tried to find a figure and so i did. The person was waiting at the swing so i went near. I greeted him and i didn't realise it made him shock

"Hi" he jumped a little and stood up
"H-Hi" he didn't turn yet
"'re my secret admire?"
"I did as you said. Left the answer"
"Good and thank you for coming"
"Of course"

We were quiet for awhile then he took a deep breath and turned. I was shocked a little to see who it was. I didn't know that my thought was wro---

Right. My Secret Admirer was Park Jimin.



The last Part is coming. This story will end in no time. Maybe after this part the last part will appeared? It took me a long time tho. Sorry i'm a bit busy these days. Anyways see yaaa whushh~♡

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