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Jimin Pov

I arrived at home and entered. I saw a tall figure while crossing his arm against his chess.
"Hyung?" i knew it was Yoongi Hyung.
"Where have you been?"
"Out. I thought i've told you already?"
"You were out this Evening and come home late"
"What? it's still early tho.."
"We were so worried"
"I'm sorry then"
He sigh and walked away. I went up straight to my room and took a bath.

After a nice shower, i laid on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I played my memory about today with Arin. It was fun. I smiled like an idiot then i wore my pyjamas. I went off to sleep.

Arin Pov

I couldn't wait for Seunghee so i went off to sleep. The next day i woke up and it was 0512. I know it was still early and i forgot to take my clothes. I took a nice shower and went home. On my there, i totally forgot to tell Seunghee but i didn't care a lot cause our home isn't that far just 10 minutes away.

I arrived at my house and open the door slowly. I got a spare key so i can get inside. I ran up to my room and wore my uniforms. I did my morning routine and before i leave. I pack some clothes, stuff and needed things and put it into one suitcase. I slowly bring it down and out the house. I'm going to spend my day at Seunghee's house for awhile.

After i arrived at Seunghee's house. I went it and saw her preparing breakfast. She turned as she heard the foot steps.
"Who is it?"
"It's me..Arin"
She quickly ran to me and she was shocked.
"i thought you were in your room? And what's this?"
"It's a long story but can you let me stay with you for awhile?"
"okay..but promise me to tell me what's going on"
I nod and carry the suitcase to my room. I put it there on the bed then went to the kitchen.

I told her everything then she patted my back.
"I'm sorry to hear that"
"it's okay"
"Arin, can i ask?"
"Sure what is it?"
"Yesterday, Are you bored alone?"
I shook my head and she frowned
"Then where were you?"
"Hang out With Jimin"
"Jimin? P-Park Jimin?!"
I nod
"Only the two of you?"
I nod again and ate my breakfast.

After finishing the breakfast, we went to school. We arrived a bit early today.
I turned and saw Shin Ryu walking towards me. Then i felt my right cheek was burning. 'What the hell! She slapped me!' i quickly turned to her
"what?! Who's your boyfriend?"
Everyone gasped and looked at us. Then someone walked in the classroom. 'Jimin' He looked shocked and asked
"What happen?"
"Oppa, Yesterday she was flirting with you.. Wasn't she?!"Jimin eyes widened.
"No, We were hanging out"
"Don't try to backing up Her!!"
He walks in and looked at her.
"Listen, If she was and what's your problem?"
"I'm Your Girlfriend!" he scoffed
"Since when we were dating?" He was cold that time.
"Don't try to twist everything here around"
She was so angry. She glared at me
"You better watch out!"
"Don't you dare threaten her"
She walks out the class angrily. He looked at me and touched my cheek
"Are you okay? Does it still hurt?"
"'s fine.."
He left and went to his seat.

I wanted to cry but i hold it in.
"Arin-ahh" i looked at Seunghee
"Why didn't you do anything?!"
She was surprised at my sudden voice
"Is that what you called friend?"
I looked at her in the eyes she was frighten.
"A-Arin..I-i'm sorry.."
"It hurts. My one and only friend didn't even support me and helped me or defend me" i stood up and went out the class.

I ran towards the rooftop (i know probably you guys thinks "Rooftop again,Places other than rooftop?" well it won't be fun in the toilet)
I wiped my tears and lean against the wall. I closed my eyes and started to calm myself. I decide to skip class and hang out there.

Seunghee Pov

I felt terrible cause i didn't even help her. I am a terrible friend. I didn't chase after her cause i want to give her sometime to calm down and to be alone.

The Class ended and i didn't even paid attention. I was worrying about Arin. 'Where is she now? I hope she's okay'
I walked out the school and waited for her. But i decide to waited and talk to her at home. I figure something to make it up to her. She like to eat food. I start cooking her favourites. 'I just hope she like it and forgive me'

Arin Pov

I didn't felt to go home yet so i decide to wander around at the Han's River. I sat on the empty benches. I felt someone was tapping ny shoulder. I turned around and saw Joohyuk standing behind me. He is my cousin and he moved to Busan few Months ago.

"Joohyuk, what are you doing here?"
"Me? I'm taking a"
"Getting some fresh air and clearing my mind. When did you get here?"
"Today. We are moving here. Eo i see you're wearing your school uniforms"
I nodded.
"Seems like we are going to be in the same school."
He went beside me and sat. He smiled at me 'i missed those smile. Those smile cured me'
"Great then"
"why are you wandering here at this time?"
"Like i said, cle-" he cut me off
"Arin..You know you can't lie to me."
He's right. I can't lied to him. He's a good cousin. He's been knowing me for too long should i told him everything?

And so i did. He patted my head try to make me calm
"Don't be mad at her too long. She's your only friend"
"Maybe she was shock too. Give her another chance hmm?"
I nodded and we stayed like that for few minutes.

Jimin Pov

I was searching for Arin and i gave up. I walked to the Han River for spending my time there. Then i stopped as i saw Arin was cuddling with someone. She was still crying. I wish i could have been there early. Then i left



So how was it? I know it's too long and maybe you should suggest the length of this ff? I really want to change it. Well, Maybe you could Vote and Comment. So See ya! Whusss~~

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