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I woke up and looked at the time. "0530" wow..too early. Since today there's no school, i went to the bathroom and do my routine.

I went to the kitchen and make my own breakfast but i found nothing. I decide to go to the grocery but it was too early. I looked again for food then i decide to cook instant noodle.

After having my breakfast, i decide to do some revision because the exam was next week. I studied math since i hate math the most. I look at the time and it's already 0620. Wow..i sat on my bed and thinking what to do..

I decide to go for a walk at the park and maybe do some exercise. I grab my mp3, earphone and wore my shoes. I plugged my earphone played some song like Cold Water -Justin Bieber, Everyday -Ariana grande, and others.

I sat on the empty benches and looked around. I saw someone was reading a book. Jimin? I went near to make sure. And i was right since i'm bored i stand in front of him.
"Jimin" he lift his gaze from the book to me.

Jimin Pov

I was peacefully reading my book at the park but then someone interrupted my peace ness. "Jimin" The voice sound so familiar. I lift my head to see who it was. My heart beat faster as i saw Arin standing in front of me.
"What?" i try to act cool so it won't be too obvious that i had a crushed on her.

Arin Pov

"can i sit there?" i pointed the empty side. He looked at it and back to me.
"you want to sit there? Beside me?"
I nodded he started to looked around and back to me. I was curious "can't you sit there?" he poited at the empty benches. I looked and back to him. "i'm bored". He sigh "so? That's not my should have stayed at home". I rolled my eyes "that's why i'm here" i begged him. "You're so annoying! I'm trying to read here!" he stood and left. Aishh...he's so rude and cold i wonder how did he get the girls attention when his attitude is so rude and cold. I shook my head.

I began to wander around the park until i saw someone familiar. Sh*t it's Minhyuk! I turned and try to walk away as fast as i could but he caught me. He called my name i was hesitated to turned but it would be rude if i didn't. So i turned and fake smiled.
"Arin..what are you doing here?"
"just walking since i'm bored"
"bored? Where's that jungkook guy? Why didn't he company you?"
"i didn't want to burden him or disturb him whatever he is doing right now"
"right..since i'm here..let me company you then?"
I shook my head and lied to him
"i was about to head home actually"
I nodded and i wanted to leave but he grab my wrist.
"then you'll company me then.."
" has been long time tho"
I was hesitated. It will be awkward hanging around with your ex that you have completely forget about like 3 years.
"please..i'm your friend right?"
" a friend"
I agreed because i was curious how did he get here?

I knew it would be awkward. I spoke to break the ice.
"so..why did you move here?"
"My father got offered to work here"
"since when?"
"Last month"
"Where do you studied now?"
" at Seoul High School Academy"
"Really? We're in the same school"
"ouhh..which class are you in?"
"4-1A..How About you?"

Then it went all silent again. We sat on a bench which near the playground.
"Can i ask?"
I looked at him
"Do you have...any boyfriend?"
I chuckled and looked at me.
"why are you asking?"
"i wish i could turn back the time and didn't broke up with you.."
I stare at him .
" and we can be friends right?"
He looked at me "can we?" i nodded and he chuckled in embarrassment.

I went home and my parents sitting on the couch watching TV. I went upstairs and grab my phone. I texted Seunghee.



Do you have plans? I'm bored!!

I was about to go to my cousin's birthday party..wanna join?

Then can we go watch movies?


When is the party start?

This evening about 5

Great! Can you pick me up?

No problem!

Thanks..see yaa

I put my phone away and laid there on my bed. I was thinking what to do before the Party. I did study math a while ago..should i studied again?.
I went to the living room and saw it was empty. I decide to watch something.
"Arin?"my father called me.
"Ne?" he went near me. I was focusing on TV."I want to ask you something". I didn't move my gaze and my eyes were glued on the TV screen.
"what is it?"
"How old are you this year?"
I scoffed. Even my age you forgot
"This April i turned 17 why"
"Good..i want to Marry you with somebody after you finished your school year "
I looked at him shocked.
"What?! With who?"
"With my Friend's son"
"i'm your father!"
"If you are then why did you leave me?! Did you even think how i live this past 3 month?! And now you're back and admitting you're my father!!"
I felt my left cheek is burning. I got slapped. My eyes got teary and now my vision is blur
"Don't you dare shout at your Father!"
I looked at him "I hate you!" i quickly ran to my room and lock my self. I cry and cried harder. I never got slapped before and this is my first time.

I wash my faces and got ready for the party. It was 0455 i put on make up and touched up to cover my puffed eyes. I do my haired and grab my phone. I dialed seunghee's number.

"Seunghee..can you pick me up early?"
"okay..i be there in 25 minutes"
I hung up the called and waited for her. Not long i heard a hon then i rushed down stair and i was about to opened the door but my mother's voice made me stopped
"where are you going?"
"out..i'll be home soon"
Soon my father appeared i went out the house and went to Seunghee's car.

"Let's go"
"Can i sleep over at your house tonight?"
" everything fine?"
"i'll tell you later"

She droved to her cousin's house. The party wasn't that bad we were having fun. BTS were there too. I went to empty bean bag and sat on it. I played my phone. I scrolled to see if there's something new on Tweet. Until i found something. My eyes widened and so shocked. WTH?!



What's up!! I'll update the next part. I'm busy with my exam and i'm trying to find my time to continue this FF..anyways thanks for reading this!! Whee~~

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