Gabriel's Child;;Chapter Two

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"Omg, I totally saw what happened at school today!" Naomi exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?"

"You and the blonde mega hottie at school!"

"Oh, you saw that?"

"Yeah! Your face was so red, like tomato."

"Was it really that bad?" I asked covering my face in embarrassment.

"Don't stress about it, I would have done the same thing, I mean that boy was pretty damn sexy!"

I gave a small laugh, "Yeah, he was. Now, can you help me with my biology homework?"

I yawned and stretched in my bed. Groggily, I pushed myself off my comfortable feather like bed and walked towards the clock on the far side of the wall. I blankly stared at the red hand ticking past the short hand, which was on the seven. I turned away and started toward the door.

I realized I had forgotten my bath towel on my dresser. I looked up at the clock again and watched the red hand go past the nine where the long hand was. It's 7:45 am. 7 FREAKIN' 45 AM. Crap. Crap. CRAP. I only have 35 minutes until school starts!

"Hey, Phoebe we got to go!" I heard Nolan call from my door.

"I'm coming!" I ran through my bedroom door that instantaneously hit him in the face, "Sorry Nolan!"

He responded with a loud groan. Jumping into the tub I took a quick two minute shower, brushed my teeth, and ran back to my room. 

"Why are you up so late?"

"I was doing my biology homework."

"What? Were you up all night? That was pretty easy homework she gave us."

"Shut up, you know biology is hard for me."

"Do you want me to tutor you?"

"Sure, hand me my clothes and turn around."

He threw my clothes at me and laughed as he turned around, "Remember when I walked in on you?"

"Yeah," I said in an irritated voice, "You wouldn't stop staring!"

"I can't help it, I'm a guy."


I dressed quickly, grabbed my makeup bag and hair straighter and ran to Nolan's truck. We only had fifteen minutes to reach our destination on time and I still needed to get my breakfast. Nolan insisted that we skip my breakfast, but I reminded him how I get without's not pretty. I ran into the gas station and got out as fast as I came. Nolan sped down the highway and got us to school with only five minutes to spare.

"I'm going ahead, don't forget to lock the doors, okay?" Nolan instructed as he tossed the keys towards me. I nodded and applied some black and purple eye shadow to compliment my purple eyeliner and then a quick swipe of mascara over my eyelashes. I grabbed my cinch backpack and hair straightener and ran towards the school -- not forgetting to lock the truck doors first, of course.

I looked at the clock as I ran by, only three minutes. I don't think it's possible to straighten my hair in that amount of time. Being easily distracted by looking at the time I ran into him. The green of his eyes glimmered like a murky pond in the sunlight as he looked down at me. 

"We keep running into each other, don't we?"

"Uh, yeah..."

"Where are you heading to with that?" he asked, pointing to my hair straightener. 

"Oh, I woke up late today and Nolan was rushing me and I couldn't straighten my hair, I had to get my breakfast, I had to put my make up on in the truck, and -- I'm sorry I just keep rambling on." I said breathlessly. 

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