lean mean beauty queen.
never met someone with more skills than Kanaya, her main talents include sewing, basket weaving, stargazing, rimming....
always with the popular crowd, super mysterious.
she's got male and female alike flocking to her.
the only girl who Karkat has ever sent nudes to.
came out of the back bedroom of Terezi's party bitten and covered in... bright green liquid?!
Everyone knows there's something between Maryam and Lalonde but No one can't tell if they're like... besties who eat each other out or like fuck buddies or what but all we do know is it's all hands on deck and she means business.

The HomeStuck Burn Book
Fanfiction[S] >open the burn book [S] >learn the secrets •homestuck crack for fan enjoyment! I do not own Homestuck and all rights go to Andrew Hussie.