strap yourselves down! I have a lot of dirt on Dirk here.
1. If he can't fuck the robot it's not a robot
2. The robot he gave to Jake collected his voice information so Dirk could change it and use it to pleasure himself
3. He only does like... a few drugs.... a few
4. He total banged the PE teacher for extra credit and the English teacher... and the supply teacher for shits and giggles.
5. Dirk Strider, dick rider
6. He'll fuck anyone if they sing fall out boy lyrics to him.
7. He looks damn good in a maid dress
8. He tops damn good in a maid dress
9. Cosplay in general is a turn on
10. So is my little pony... that's kinda concerning, but who wouldn't let him be 9" deep inside them?

The HomeStuck Burn Book
Fanfiction[S] >open the burn book [S] >learn the secrets •homestuck crack for fan enjoyment! I do not own Homestuck and all rights go to Andrew Hussie.