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The organ and the soft voices of children were the only background noises in a church full of sorrow.

All of the attendees stood respectively in their spots as the wooden casket was being brought forward. The British flag gently draped over it like a comforting blanket with an arrangement of white flowers placed in the center. Everyone remained facing towards the alter, one could only see it if it had already passed their row.

Every men inside the room wore a black tuxedo while every women dressed their Sunday best in the only color allowed for this special event.

Ace stood in the front pew, examining carefully the picture in front of her. A wreath of light pink, yellow, and white flowers positioned itself next to the black and white figure. Pure white candles surrounded the small memorial as a way to show how greatly that person would be missed.

Inside the brass frame was a woman Ace only heard stories about. Margaret Carter, the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. Despite the lack of color in the old photo, Ace wanted to stare at it for hours on end.

Peggy had her chin held high with pride and a pin on the flap of her trench coat to prove it. She wasn't looking into the camera like most people would. Instead, her eyes were staring upwards into what Ace could guess was the future of S.H.I.E.L.D. Determination radiated off of her like sunlight seeping into a cold and dreary room.

The casket finally made it to the front. Six men, three on each side, had the wooden box gently resting on their shoulder for support. Steve was one of the men at the front.

Ace watched his solemn expression as he gently placed the love of his life in front of the altar. His bright blue irises seemed like a dull grey surrounded with distinct purple hues coloring the bottom of his eyes. The skin around them looked slightly puffy with a hint of red.

Steve widened his eyes in surprise once he turned around. Ace gave him a small smile and moved over so that he could have room to sit. She held out her hand, showing Steve a sign of how it was his turn to lean on someone.

He let out a breathy sigh through his nostrils as his large hand encased her own. Steve moved into the spot next to Ace with their hands entertained together. Although she had the invisibility cloak on her wings, she secretly outstretched one so that it was wrapped around Steve. The feeling of feathers brushed against his arm made tears spring in his tired eyes. Ace squeezed his hand in assurance and the two sat down together in the front pew.

As the funeral commenced, the young girl had her hand remain inside Steve's. Every now and then she would rub her thumb over his skin or squeeze it lightly. Sam sat on her other side with his arm resting behind her.

The church service continued with words from Peggy's niece and mass before everyone got up in line to go see the casket. Ace decided to stand to the side instead of going up because she'd rather have the people who actually known Peggy to go say their final goodbyes.

People conversed with others about how great it was to know the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D before slowly dispersing and filing out of the small English church, leaving Steve behind at the alter. Sam left as well, allowing him to have some time to himself.

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