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"It's the children the world almost breaks who grow up to save it."


"Alright, what do you see?"

The Avengers had been stationed in Nigeria for the past few weeks, tracking down Rumlow and his men. Neither of them had an exact date to when they would attack. Thankfully, they figured out that it was going to be today.

The beating sun blazed down as Ace leaned back against the metal chair, subtly looking around her. A pair of sunglasses were perched on her nose with a jacket covering her wings and uniform from plain view.

She ran a hand through her brown hair. Wanda's voice spoke through her earpiece. "Standard beat cops, small station, quiet streets. It's a good target."

"There is an ATM on the south corner." Steve told them. "Which means..." "Cameras." Ace piped up, casually looking over her shoulder. She spotted the two cops causally drinking coffee and sharing a donut on the other side of the street. The ATM wasn't far behind them.

"Both cross streets are one way..."

"So compromised escape routes." Wanda spoke up this time. She sat a few tables away with an army green jacket covering herself. A dark grey baseball cap hid her face and a small cup of coffee was in front of her. Her fingers occasionally tapping the glass surface as a way to pass time.

Steve stood in front of a window inside one of the buildings, grazing the street from a higher point of view. It was a beat up apartment building filled with newspapers and magazines that held detailed sightings about the targets. He caught sight of the three ladies sitting a few feet away form each other, trying not to look too conspicuous. "Which means-"

"That our guy doesn't care about being seen." Ace answered. Her hands were on either side of the clear plastic cup sitting on the metal table. "He isn't afraid on making a mess on the way out."

"You see that Range Rover up the block?" Steve spotted the red car along the side of the road. Wanda turned her head from where she was to look at it. "Yeah, the red one?" She took a sip from her coffee. "It's cute."

"It's also bulletproof."

Natasha sat a table behind Wanda, sunglasses perched on her face to hide her identity. "Which means private security which means more guns."

"Which means more headaches for somebody, probably us." Ace added, swirling the plastic straw inside her Dr. Pepper. She then proceeded to take a small sip before being interrupted by Wanda.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind right?"

"And I can literally see everything with these cool ass glasses-"

"No swearing." Steve scolded the young teenager. Ace rolled her eyes and pressed a button on her Aviators that she and Tony created. All of the street camera feeds went directly to her. "I can literally feel the glare you're throwing at me." She looked up at Steve's window and saw a small speck wearing what looks like to be a spangled outfit.

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