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Steve sat a few feet away from Ace.

He watched as her curious eyes gazed at the screen that gave the live footage from where Bucky was contained. Steve smiled slightly at how her eyes twinkled with wonder.

He only ever told her stories about the infamous Bucky Barnes. Not about the Winter Soldier, but about the American soldier back in the 1930's. Steve gave her details of the life they shared together before he fell off the train. If the two ever crossed paths, he wanted her to know the good in him. Unfortunately she found out the bad through Natasha, who argued that she needed to know the current situation regarding Bucky.

The comfy chair Ace sat in was turned so that she wasn't facing Steve. It was pushed to the very corner of the glass-contained conference room to get a better view of the camera footage.

The room was dead silent since all of the hatches were sealed shut. The clear colorless glass served as soundproof walls for any conversation that needed to be held inside.

"Hey, want to see something cool?" One of the many automatic doors making up the glass box slid open and Tony walked into the room. "I pulled something from Dad's archives."

Ace subtly turned the chair back enough to see the small black case being set on the table. "FDR signed the Lend-Lease Bill with these in 1941." Tony motioned to the two brass quill-tipped pens inside the small foam mesh lining the case. "Provided support to the Allies when they needed it most."

"Some would say it brought out country closer to war."

"We all have different opinions." Ace mumbled from her seat. She could hear the history-buff-talk sugarcoating the real topic that needed to be discussed.

"See enough of these, you wouldn't be here." Tony ignored her comment. "I'm trying to, what do you call it?" He moved out of the way and took a seat across from Steve. "That's uh, that's an olive branch. Is that what you call it?" Tony placed his index finger and thumb on the stubble lining his chin, forming it into a fist seconds later as he awaited an answer.

"Is Pepper here?" Steve looked around the room. "I didn't see her." His eyes jumped from one object to another, trying to avoid the pending subject.

Tony bit his lips together and quickly looked over at the small corner Ace occupied. "We are kinda-" He waved his hand around, trying to think of the right words to say. "Well, not kinda-"


Tony almost choked on the air he quickly inhaled from that assumption. "No, definitely not." He inhaled deeply and sputtered. "We're taking a break."

Ace tensed and rocked slightly in her chair. Pepper sometimes took her out on small ice cream runs or shopping sprees when the others had work to do. Everyone knew that Pepper Potts was the closest thing Ace had to a maternal figure. She wasn't as close to Pepper as she was to Natasha and Wanda, but the two female avengers were like her sisters more than her mother.

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