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Ace's face contorted in pain as her mind slowly came back to reality.

People all around her were running out of the room with firemen guiding them safely outside. The smoke cleared away, which gave the young girl a better sight of all the debris slowly floating down towards the floor.

"Casey." Natasha coughed as she crawled over to the young girl. She towered over her body and pressed her palms against her shoulder. Ace groaned, which lead to a nasty cough from her chest. Her lungs burned from the smoke and debris in the air.

Natasha pulled Ace up into a sitting position and crouched down to see her face. "Can you get up?" She squinted her eyes and nodded before reaching out to grab something to help stabilize her. Natasha helped lift Ace off the ground and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. With her mentor's support, the teenager limped up the marble staircase to the nearest exit out of the building.

Sirens wailed in the distance once the two made it out of the Austrian building. Paramedics ran all around the scene in front of them trying to tend to every wounded person that they possibly could. A team decked in bomb suits walked in the opposite direction with large briefcases and plastic bags labeled 'EVIDENCE'.

One of the EMTs rushed over to Ace and helped Natasha carry her over to one of the available gurneys in front of the five ambulances parked outside. The teenager winced as her wings were pressed up against it. The lady reached out to take off her mask when Natasha shot out and grabbed her wrist.

"The mask stays on." She answered calmly. The female paramedic looked skeptical, but complied to Natasha's request. She looked to her right and waved her hand. "Oxygen mask!" Once of the other EMTs handed her a clear muzzle in which she slid over Ace's mouth and nose.

The teenager quickly pulled it off. "I'm fine. Go help someone else-" As she tried to swing her legs over to stand up, Natasha stopped her. "You're staying here to get checked up on." Ace complained in protest and slumped back onto the gurney.

She watched from a distance as Natasha walked over to the park bench next to T'Challa.

Watching the conversation, Ace observed his hunched shoulders and long face. She felt sympathy for the prince of Wakanda and slightly blamed herself for not being able to save king T'Chaka from the explosion. Maybe if she had gotten there faster, she would have been able to wrap her wing around him to shield him from oncoming blast.

Of course, with that being said, Ace would have died in his place or have been greatly injured like the last mission. Her mind wandered to what the Avengers or her parent would have felt if she was killed saving someone else.

The female paramedic tending Ace's wounds placed some hydrogen peroxide over a small cut above her eyebrow, making her wince slightly from the stinging sensation. "Sorry." She apologized and placed a small bandaid over it. "I didn't warn you in advance."

"S'all good." Ace mumbled as the paramedic finished her checkup. A large purple bruise blossomed on the side of her neck and more appeared on her arms after she slipped off her trench coat. Dirt scattered along her cheeks like small freckles and darkened the pale white color of her wings.

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