Ch. 1- Settled In

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Today was the day Alec Lightwood moved into his dorm room at Pacific Coast Academy. He was now officially in college and couldn't wait to be free. No one could tell him what he could and couldn't do. He'd be free of parents, free of siblings, but not totally free. He would still have a roommate, which he was terrified about. Would he be a homophobic football player? Or would he be understanding? Would he cute? Nerdy? A jock? All these questions flowed through Alec's mind as the red Mercedes pulled into the campus parking lot. Alec, accompanied by his brother, Jace, and sister, Isabelle, and Mom as his dad was at work like always, he moved everything into his room. "Oh my baby boy is finally grown," Maryse Lightwood said as she hugged her rather taller, lean, son. "Mom," He says pulling away rather fast. "Right, sorry," She says walking out of the room. "Bye bro," Jace Wayland said "bro" hugging Alec and soon walking out. Isabelle was left, her long black curls falling from her shoulders. "Text me if you need something," She said pulling her brother towards her. "And tell me all about the boys here," She whispers before she exits the room. Oh Isabelle. Alec thought as he laughed at her comment. He decided to go to the front desk to pick up his schedule since his roommate still wasn't there. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Science Mrs. Chase; Math Mrs. Täte... Bläh blah blah thought Alec as he scanned over the schedule until he found a certain name. Tuesday, Thursday Literature, Mr. Magnus Bane 8am-12pm. Great. I wonder if this guy is hot? Thought Alec. Luckily tomorrow was Tuesday and he couldn't wait for his class tomorrow. However, for the rest of night, Alec put away his things, thinking about what his professor looked like.

The Next Day
Alec woke up to water running. Must be my roommate. Thought Alec as he sat up. He looked over to find the other side of the room a total mess. Great. A slob. Got to be football player. Soon, the door opened as a muscled boy, about Alec's height, with blonde hair that swooped down above his eyes, came into the room. "You must be Alec," The boy said. "Yeah, Alec Lightwood," He said standing up to shake the boy's hand. "Ethan, Ethan Blake," Said the boy who appeared to be taller than Alec, actually. "Sorry about the mess, I haven't really unpacked yet," "Awe man... It's fine," Alec said sitting back on the bed. "Have you gotten your schedule card yet?" Ethan said as he sat a box on the floor. "Yeah I got it when I first got here yesterday," Alec said still feeling a little awkward. The boy was actually really hot and maybe he'd turn out to be really cool. "Who do you have tomorrow?"
"Um.. Mr. Magnus Bane,"
"What does he teach?"
"Um.... Literature," Alec said hesitating hoping his roommate wouldn't laugh. "Oh yeah! He's really hot!" Ethan said sitting on the bed. "Excuse me?" Alec said a little shocked but kind of glad. "I've heard he's a great teacher! He's supposed to be really awesome!" "Oh.." was all Alec could reply. Now he felt very uncomfortable and stupid. Why would someone like him be gay? Why did I even think he was talking about the teacher's looks? Thought Alec as he just slumped down in his bed. After several minutes of awkward silence and Ethan putting away his things, Alec couldn't help it anymore. He had to know now to suit his mind. "Hey Ethan.. Can I ask you a question? I guess you can consider it personal..." "Yeah what's up?" Alec's hands started trembling and sweating. For a second, he forgot what he was supposed to ask but then it came back to him, "How do you feel about gay people?" Alec said regretting the question as soon as he said it. For a while, Ethan became silent as if he were thinking. Please answer thought Alec. "They are actually really cool. I enjoy hanging out with them because like they have so much confidence. They fight for their relationships and for their rights. I think that's amazing," Ethan finally said. "Are you.. um... gay?" He continued. Alec was again hesitant again because he doesn't really tell anyone these things. Though he felt like he could trust Ethan with this secret. "Yeah I am," Alec finally said relieved that his roommate wasn't a homophobic asshole and that he didn't have to hide his secret. "Woah! That's so cool!" Ethan said as his face lit up with excitement. "Friends?" Alec asked looking up. "I thought we already were," Ethan replied smiling as he laid own his bed. "It's already 7:30!!" Alec said as he shot off his bed running into the bathroom. After a quick shower and a last glance in the mirror, Alec grabbed his book bag and headed out the door. He ran as fast as he could hoping he wouldn't be late to his first class. While Alec was running, not paying any attention, he found himself on the ground. He had tripped sending his backpack, half zipped, along with his books flying. "You okay?" asked a tanned muscled man who helped Alec up. Alec looked at the man, then quickly looked away bending over to gather his books.

A/N: Hope you liked it!!!! Cliffhanger: Who was Alec's acquaintance? Now that Ethan knows about Alec, can Alec trust his roommate with his secret?

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