Ch. 3-Always There

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As Alec was lying there deep in his thoughts, a knock came upon the door. Alec didn't feel like having company but he opened it anyways. When he opened the door, he couldn't believe his eyes.
"Magnus," Alec said shocked but actually quite relieved. Magnus said nothing, instead he just pulled Alec into his embrace. Alec was shocked and it felt very weird but right now this is what he needed. He needed to be in someone's arms; He needed to feel loved. This is honestly the best part of his day so far. "Oh I'm so sorry Alexander; You don't deserve this torture," Magnus said still holding Alec in his arms. Alec couldn't help it, tears that once formed in his eyes earlier began to fall, wetting Magnus's shirt. Alec pulled away to wipe his tears feeling embarrassed that he was crying. "I'm sorry I'm crying," Alec said turning away from Magnus to hide his tears. "It's okay; You're upset; You've been hurt," Magnus said turning Alec back to face him. "One thing is for sure, I will never judge you for anything," This made Alec feel better and he even smiled a little. There was something about Magnus that made him feel..... wanted.... Loved... Important. Maybe Magnus and him could have a thing? "How would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" Magnus said breaking a long period of silence. "You mean like a date?" Magnus was silent for a second as if thinking and then said smiling, "Yeah I guess you could say that," "Of course... I would love too," Alec said smiling forgetting about what had happened a few minutes earlier. "Pick you up at seven?" "Yeah..." Alec said smiling as Magnus exited the room. I better tell Izzy thought Alec. He walked over to grab his phone and decided to text Izzy:

A: Iz you'll never guess what happened!
Iz: Alec are you okay?
A: Yes I'm fine
Iz: Oh okay.. Good.. So what happened...
A: I have a date tonight
Iz: Ooohh with who???? ;)
A: A person I met here
Iz: Soooo tell me about him....
A: Well he is really sweet and HOT! He's a little shorter than me though but he is really tan and has black spiked up hair. Also he wears makeup, mostly eyeliner, but it looks good on him. He asked me to have dinner with him tonight.. ;)
Iz: That's amazing Alec! I'm so happy for you!! When's he picking you up?
A: At seven
Iz: Do your know what you are going to wear?
A: Not at all.. :(
Iz: That's okay.. You have a few hours to choose.. I'm sure he'll like whatever you wear ;)
A: Thanks Iz.. Love you XOXO
Iz: Love you too xoxo <3

Izzy was right, and Magnus did say that he would never judge him. It was only 1 o'clock so Alec had a lot of time to spare. Soon Ethan walked through the door and placed his backpack on his bed. Alec was still furious that he was part of the crew that made fun of Alec. "I thought you were different," Alec said as Ethan turned around. "Alec I am... I promise," Ethan said walking closer to Alec. "Why are you hanging out with them then?? They hurt me Ethan... I was made fun of;"

"You think I didn't feel bad for you? I was angry that Damon did those things to you but I couldn't stand up to him about it.... He'd kick me off the football team and I wouldn't have anything... Id lose all my friends, my scholarship, my..... popularity... He would make my life a living hell..."

"So you would rather keep your damn spot on the football team then stand up for your friend? You would rather make my life a living hell then loose your stupid scholarship? Your friends? Your popularity? That is really shallow..."

"Alec please... I'm sorry..." Ethan said grabbing Alec's arm. "Sorry won't cut it..." Alec said snatching his arm back and grabbing his clothes for his shower. He knew it was probably too early to start getting ready but he just wanted to get out of that room. As the hot water ran down Alec's muscled aching body, he was thinking of one thing: Magnus.... He couldn't stop thinking of him and he couldn't believe that he was actually going out on a date with him. Would these turn into something more? Alec didn't know but he honestly hope it did. He believed that he loved Magnus with all his heart. He felt like he had known Magnus all his life even thought they just met. After a very long shower, Alec was finally dressed. He decided to wear his nicest clothes, which were some black skinny jeans and a black button up shirt and his black combat boots. Alec looked in the mirror glancing at the black mark on his neck. He was a Shadowhunter but his parents decided that he needed to go to college while things weren't out of hand at the moment. He had these marks all over his body. They were called runes which gave him special abilities when killing demons. He hoped Magnus didn't mind them, since you could obviously see the one on his neck and his arms. With one more look in the mirror, he walked out of the bathroom hoping not to find his roommate there, though he was still laying on his bed. Alec ignored him and continued his business. He grabbed his phone and clicked it on to check the time, 2:30. Ugh. Such a long time to wait thought Alec. He laid down on his bed, checking his notifications. Shocked, he actually had a text from Magnus:

Magnus: I'm so excited for tonight. Too long too wait :(
Alec stared at the text smiling be fore he replied:
A: I know :( I'm ready for our "date" ;)

Alec clicked his phone off and picked up his  literature book. When Alec turned to page 2, Chapter 1, his phone buzzed again. He slide it open to reveal the text from Magnus:

Magnus: Me too... I'm ready to see that gorgeous face of yours ;)
A: *smiling constantly probably blushing a lot*

After he replied, he clicked off his phone again and turned back to his book to read. After reading not even the first paragraph, his phone buzzed again.

Magnus: You're blushing is adorable
A: How am I supposed to do your homework if you are texting me?
Magnus: You are actually reading it? Most don't.. We'll I'll let you go so you do your homework.... See you at 7 ;)
A: ;)

After finally replying to Magnus for the last time, Alec was finally able to read the chapter. Alec thought that it would be boring but actually he found it quite interesting. He learned so much about Shakespeare that he never knew. For example, William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. His extant works, including collaborations, consist of approximately 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses. Alec checked his phone again and it was 6:55. Only five more minutes till I get to see Magnus thought Alec. Ethan had already left, probably to hang out with Damon and the others which was good for Alec because he didn't want anyone to know about his date yet. Soon there was a knock on his door, yay it's got to be Magnus. When Alec opened the door hoping it to be Magnus, it wasn't. It was Damon. "Expecting someone else?" Damon said as the others laughed. Alec remained silent already feeling hurt. "What's wrong? Did your "date" not show up?" Damon teased as he pushed Alec back, making him fall. Damon bent over Alec, being right in his face. "You little fag..." He said. "Fags don't belong here..." Damon said as he began punching Alec. The pain hurt badly but Alec didn't fight back, he didn't hit, he didn't do anything because he couldn't fight Damon. Damon was too strong and Alec had been without training for a while. Soon Damon's fist was no longer felt against Alec's face. "Enough," A voice said pulling Damon away. Alec looked up to see who it was, Magnus. Soon the football jocks and cheerleaders disappeared again but they would only be back later. "Poor Alexander," Magnus said bending down looking at Alec's bleeding bruised face. "Stupid jocks," Alec says holding his nose. "Here let me help," Magnus said taking Alec's hand away from his nose. Blue sparks flew out of Magnus's fingertips, and soon all the blood along with the bruises were gone and so was the blood from Alec's shirt. "How did you-" Alec started before being interrupted by Magnus. "Secret of mine, I'm a warlock.." Magnus said smiling. Alec smiled back a little shocked but he thought it was so cool. "Still up for that date?" Magnus finally said helping Alec up. "Of course...." Alec said smiling as him and Magnus walked out of the dorm to Magnus's car.

A/N: Sorry for such a long chapter..... Hope you enjoyed it though!! Cliffhanger: I think Magnus has a crush on Alec. Do you? Will their relationship become more than friends? Will Alec finally stand up to Damon and the others? Will Ethan and Alec become friends again? How will Alec and Magnus's first "date" go? Will Alec tell Magnus that he is a Shadowhunter?

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